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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Get Er Done


  1. They’ve basically have done this just look at their failed cities

  2. This is an unintended affront to real freaks, thank you.

  3. Another police shooting last night this ain't gonna be good.

  4. She spelled fu$#s wrong

  5. Hey, i got an idea....Lets just give ALL the Whack jobs the ENTIRE state of California, Make it their own country, set them up, let em get all cozy, then Build WALL, require anyone going in or out be forced to go through immigration, we cut off their water supply, charge them MASSIVE import /export fees for ALL products entering and leaving. If they get hostile, we carpet bomb them, occupy, set up our own government, and BAM, problem solved!.....ok, next problem?

  6. Love Candance ♥️

  7. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. One state on each coast will be fine to start. Oregon, for sure, and maybe Connecticut, just to start off small and where rich Liberals need some face time with people who have some fresh ideas.

  8. Nothing stopping that going the other way?? How abou muslim, satantic, catholic. careful what you wish for.

  9. Succession from the Union. That didn't turn out well the last time it was tried. 155 years later and we apparently we are still fighting that war. And it will not turn out well this time around. Will Trump be our new Abraham Lincoln?


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