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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

George W. Bush breaks silence on George Floyd's killing

Former President George W. Bush broke his silence Tuesday afternoon on the death of George Floyd, the Minneapolis black man who was killed by a white officer on Memorial Day.

Bush said that he and former first lady Laura Bush were 'anguished by the brutal suffocation' of Floyd and disturbed by what they've seen since, chiming in on the side of legitimate protests, seemingly a veiled rebuke at President Trump.

'It is a strength when protesters, protected by responsible law enforcement, march for a better future,' Bush said.

He added that 'looting is not liberation, and destruction is not progress.'

'But we also know that lasting peace in our communities requires truly equal justice,' the ex-president said.



  1. George Bush is a Traitor...nothing more needs to be said...

  2. Ok, shut up now Georgie.

  3. I'm in anguish for voting for this POS hack. Starting a war without proper equipment just to make money for his treasonous friends.

  4. Still pretending like George Floyd died.

    It was a Psyop
    Floyd was good friends with the cop who pretended to kill him. The other cops were the “killer’s” sister and brother-in-law. Floyd (a crisis actor and porn actor) worked with the pretend killer for several years as body guards.

    Regarding the so-called protests, in several cities intelligence assets placed pallets of bricks throughout the city for the looters to use.

    Truth is stranger than fiction

    1. Get off the crack 4:35, it's destroying your thinking process

  5. Very Interesting Scenario.
    Another very interesting thing is the price of gas on the gas pump. One video shows 99 cents/gallon. Very interesting considering average price in the area was $2.39.
    And numbers on cops vehicle are not matching. And you are correct about the piles of bricks being staged on the streets right before the riot. And did you hear about the "scouts" on the bicycles yet?

  6. 523 - those pot brownies you're eating are making me Hungry!

    I kid cuz I care....more about the brownies of course!


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