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Friday, June 05, 2020

For 3 Years, Media Let Antifa Off the Hook

President Donald Trump’s decision to label Antifa a domestic terrorist group – after he blamed them for vandalism and violence in the George Floyd protests – comes after three years of liberal journalists either ignoring or downplaying the far left organization’s history of violence.

Back in 2017, NBC’s Chuck Todd gave Antifa supporter and Dartmouth professor Mark Bray a platform to hock his propaganda book – despite Antifa already being labeled a terrorist organization by the state of New Jersey.

On the August 16, 2017 edition of MSNBC’s MTP Daily, Todd excused Antifa’s violent tactics as he set-up Bray: “The historical aspect of fascism has only been defeated with violence. I assume this the argument you’d make, right, Mark?”

Chuck Todd Aids in Promotion of Antifa Violence


  1. And they refuse to let their identities out... there liberal professors and students that have been indoctrinated into Fascism

  2. Antifa has been around for decades under several different Titles. They started out with the initials OAU, Organization of African Unity, using the UN as a basis. Then they went to the Black Panthers, who is the only group that took over a Legislative building while Politians were in session with weapons, believe that was in San Francisco in the60's. Then they went by The New Black Panthers and then ANTIFA.

    They all used the UN policies to attempt to destroy the US Constitution. Then force the UN agenda on the US. There will be no Capitalisms and no private property. Everything will be under the control of the UN.

    Amazing what you can learn through the internet with the right search of history and te right wording. All these groups are ANARCHIST.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: We all need to proceed with caution and be aware of our surroundings. Avoid wherever possible and be prepared to fight back. I continually watch videos where a citizen is attacked and they just let these terrorists pummel them. Most of these criminals are untrained and their attacks are successful only when victims fail to fight back. A good blow to the throat or a palm strike to the nose will usually end a fight with an untrained assailant. I’d advise you to secure a carry permit where possible and where not possible carry but be discreet about it. My warning comes because I think things will get a lot worse until, not the police or politicians, but citizens take matters into their own hands.


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