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Saturday, June 27, 2020

FNC’s Carlson: ‘The Mob Is an Arm of the Democratic Establishment’

Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson opened his Tuesday program by questioning why the “mob” that is behind vandalism and destruction of private and public property has a different standard applied to it than other crimes.

Carlson pointed to how the Department of Justice and FBI investigated the alleged “hate crime” at the Talladega Superspeedway in Alabama compared to alleged crimes committed by the mob.

Carlson argued the apparent conclusion was the “mob” was an arm of the Democratic Party’s establishment.



  1. My thoughts as well. Say what you will but the cities being destroyed have been run by liberal democrats for DECADES. Those that are driving the removal of iconic images like Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben are liberal democrats. The Planned Parenthood facilities are in places where mostly poor and working blacks live and are run by liberal democrats.
    Tucker is right and the public better wake up to that. Saying that whatever they accuse you of, they themselves are doing is not enough.
    Violence, political correctness and racial sensitivity for all who want to say it is wrong. Just plain wrong.

  2. President Donald J. Trump really hurt their feelings when he beat the crap out of the fat failure. Still must hurt deep for them to strike at him each and every day. The fat ugly crook is still crying. Hard to believe a wacko can cry for years without stopping. Who knows, wouldn’t surprise me if the fat bat goes outta her tree and blows that glass ceiling down with a shotgun, wherever it is. I still enjoy watching video of the night the left went down. Mentally disadvantaged clowns balling like babies wanting a nipple. And don’t be offended by my glee and others because we have ever right to act out. After all, we didn’t when the previous failure occupied our house. Some say he was black, again who knows. He came out from the shadows with nothing to offer but his color. But the damrats haven’t learned from their mistake because they are all googling for not only a black, but it must be female. Nowadays because of them, it would be hard to acknowledge without peeking. Go Trump!

  3. And just where did Carlson used to work at??


    Yeah....keepin an eye on you Tucker!!!!!

  4. democrat = liberal = anarchist = radical: all POS

  5. The mob is no more democratic controlled than the KKK is Republican controlled.

  6. Carlson just presenting the facts.

  7. BOTH parties & ALL mainstream media outlets are all arms of the same beast

  8. We all make mistakes on our lives. So what if Tucker worked for CNN. That's probably where he was educated in the evil ways of Democrats. Tucker speaks the truth.

  9. The $$$ to support the mobs comes from somewhere. It's not all moms with cardboard signs who put something in the crockpot for when dad gets home from work.

  10. Liberals hate Trump because he has exposed all their BS programs and agendas geared against minorities and the working class.A investigation into bank lending programs is needed because it seems only liberals are getting super rich while the working citizens are getting zilch.

    1. The exposing is just getting started. It going to be a fun four years

  11. Democrats ARE the MOB !!! Wake up America 2020 !!!

  12. You will only hear the Dems demand rioters to stop the destruction is when the statues of MLK or Harriet Tubman are destroyed.


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