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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Ex-acting DNI Grenell calls politics in 2020 'a fight between Washington and the rest of America'

Former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Monday that his time in the Trump administration has shown him that the great political struggle is no longer between Republicans and Democrats, but between the District of Columbia and the rest of the U.S.

In his first TV interview since leaving the administration, Grenell explained a tweet he posted Saturday in response to criticism of Trump from former Defense Secretary James Mattis.

"The fact of the matter is," Grenell said, "we have a real problem in Washington, D.C., because it’s a system that it no longer is Republicans and Democrats pushing against each other to create good policy. It’s a fight between Washington and the rest of America."


1 comment:

  1. Well with the MISINFORMED VOTER'S we have in this country. Not to mention not everyone votes. They hope that continues. Just compare how many resident's we have. How many registered voter's. How many vote in any Election. It's a disgrace. In one county you have 100 thousand people. Only 7 thousand actually VOTED. WOW.


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