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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Dr. Alveda King: Trump Is Moving the Nation Toward Police Reform and Racial Justice

“In his ‘I Have a Dream’ address of August 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called for an end to the scourge of racism in the United States,” writes King’s niece, Dr. Alveda King, in the Washington Examiner.

“As President Trump works toward building a more perfect union, America can dream again. Immediately after Floyd's brutal death, Trump made clear that he is fully committed to ensuring justice will be served for George and his family—that he will not have died on that gray pavement in vain.”

Click here to read more.


  1. I think I will get sick if I hear racial reform by the same people that don’t talk about what’s actually happening. Ridiculous

  2. This has NOTHING to do with race. This is the overthrow of our government happening before our eyes.

  3. I agree with 916. This is an effort to overthrow our government.

  4. Same voices yelling the same thing - yet no solutions.


    Business mindset is if you have a problem, you better come to the table with a solution AND be a part of the solution. If not, well the business moves on.

    Therein the challenge of today. A business mindset is in charge - making change and everyone at the board table has no clue, confused and throwing tantrums. When the board is unable to perform (CONGRESS) well they could not be reelected.


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