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Friday, June 19, 2020

Donald Trump Announces Plan to Stop Veteran Suicides

President Donald Trump will announce a plan at the White House on Wednesday to help further stop veteran suicides.

Last year, the president created a cabinet-level task force to study the issue and offer recommendations to reduce veterans’ suicides.

The PREVENTS (The President’s Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End the National Tragedy of Suicide) Initiative was led by Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie.

The president will announce the results of the task force and detail the plan to implement recommendations.



  1. Military reform is a must.

  2. Stop sending the youngsters to murder people on behalf of corporate profits.

    1. Trump has a good start on that policy.

  3. Resigning would definitely reduce the suicide rate In the Republican Party which will certainly increase if He losers (or wins) in November.

  4. Don't worry 1010, Trump won't be losing in November

  5. Demystifying PTSD and getting them off psych drugs and get them some real help would be a good start. Meaningful and rewarding jobs would be another.


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