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Monday, June 08, 2020

Do you think there is any truth to this?


  1. Not everyone with a brain will recognize the blatancy of the possibility, but... another large asteroid heading right for us! As of this afternoon, the headlines remain we're all going to die, and all racist (not necessarily in that order)

    1. 3:36
      Thanks for the heads up.

      The Westher Channel should report on an approaching asteroid, but if not, we should definitely see something on MSM.

      I searched it but nothing.

      Are they trying to keep it a secret to avoid mass panic?

    2. Haha! It safely passed over the weekend, but not before coming within 3.2 million miles of us!! Was a close one.

  2. Alinski’s Rules for Radicals. It’s been ou there for sometime

  3. Do I? I have been saying it and everyone I know or talk to says it. I could have wrote it. Yes I do!

  4. Once again the Democrats simultaneously make black Americans the victims and scapegoats, while making everyone, including blacks, the suckers.

  5. If the Democrats really have planned and executed a global pandemic, a brutal death of a black man at the knee of a white cop, a collapse of our economy and the use of our military against peaceful demonstrators then maybe they really should be in charge. Pretty amazing display of coordination and planning to get the job done.

    1. They've been doing it for the last 14 years. Hell even a blind squirrel gets a nut every once in awhile.

  6. Yes there is something much bigger going on.

  7. Just caught a commercial with Oprah and Stacey Abraham's and the rest of the progressive blacks. " Where do we from here and what do we want". How many f'ing times do they have to prove to you this is absolutely true


  8. OK, but what's their solution. Who is their champion who will fix things?

    Their clown show of primary candidates? Absolutely none in evidence there!! A guy locked in his basement in his mansion in Delaware who is clearly mentally descending like a boulder dropped from a bridge.

    The conspiracy stuff always fails to explain why a guy would elect to be choked and 4 cops would junk their careers, etc.

    So it's been a very unusual year, but just coincidence, in conjunction with lots of losers in elected city and state jobs.

  9. Well, obviously the left has pulled out ALL the stops, so its a distinct possibility. They knew the Russia hoax was just that, they knew the impeachment was all but unattainable, but did it anyway. The pandemic wad a golden opportunity for them to ace blame...again. then this unfortunate incident, was the icing in their cake, so yeah. Now, defunding and in some cases dismantling our law enforcement. They better hope they pull this off, because as far as I can see they've burnt a LOT of bridges with any SANE voters, and business owners left & right. But, once again, unless our BUMBLING republican officials take this opportunity and come back with a PLAN, rather than lame talking points, and unless they REALLY put the MEDIA in the spot light, and call them out, then the future of our Republic is in deep jeopardy!

  10. The problem with these Conspiracies is. PEOPLE CAN'T KEEP SECRETS. Even in the intelligence community peoples impulse for reward and inherent GREED keeps nothing DEEP STATED or so underground. Even if they were someone that infiltrate and told all but even that doesn't happen with any real evidence.You can "RESEARCH" all the so called facts that are on the internet but they are all by design to appeal to peoples paranoia and personal beliefs on both sides of any issue or perception of reality. If you have not seen it in person or lived it yourself revert to what you like to relish as common sense call it a day keep keep whittling on your porch. We survived it all that way through worst than this.

  11. Google "Goals from The Naked Communist." It's basically the left's playbook written back in the 50s-60s.

  12. Grasping at stupidity makes one worse...makes a nation worse. Having a temper tantrum because your feelings are hurt as an adult and not compromising....well no one wins.

    Great example:. CONgress. Both sides!

  13. Trump/Pence 2020!

  14. 4:07 I get that - people can't keep secrets - and they don't. Some do talk but the media spins it. Very important to research things - especially those that seem contentious.
    After 3 years of a Russian hoax with Federal agencies weaponized from Obama - and it all started with the IRS and Lois Lerner - ending with lies from Shiffty Shift in the sacred halls of CONGRESS we thought we were done. But then it happened. They found something that did put Donald Trump on the defense. It was called the Covid virus.
    After being were locked in for months they are now rioting and it's ugly and hate filled and full of rage. All for what?
    They want Donald Trump out of officed.
    He is a threat to their power.
    He is an outsider.
    WE THE PEOPLE elected him.
    WE THE PEOPLE will do it again in November.
    Hopefully sanity will return to our society - at least for a while.

  15. I think I will convert to the Amish Way of life
    Grow my own food, no TV, take care of your family

  16. You better beieve it the luciferians are organized. The Churches are failing us, media, government so yes it is happening. The NWO agenda is very real and the monster behind are even worse

  17. 353pm...your a sick puppy to want anyone THAT corrupt to have power and control.

    And Yes 100% true and they must be stopped!!

  18. In my 69 years of watching and listening I see exactly this on my own. I guess the past repeats itself if you don't learn from it.. I believe I heard that somewhere before! They are dumping it on this election for all its worth but don't have a viable candidate.You know there has to be a good Democrat somewhere. He is likely too ashamed of whats going on to raise his head. They ain't your Grandaddys Democrats

  19. No the real problem4:07 is that a cabal of NWO players globally are striving for a world government. Educating yourself to the reason why and who's behind it should be Paramount.
    Dark majesty and hidden dangers of the rainbow. Read them it will make sense. If you believe. If you dont then welcome this new world with open arms and become a slave.

  20. Hey after Russia I believe they use every incident as reason to go against Our President.

  21. It's a great time for me to get more firearms. #neverenough.

  22. Here’s the problem. The Democrats are so out of touch with the American people that everything they try backfires on them. I’m not going back to politicians who only do what’s good for them. I’m sticking with Trump cause he’s a straight talker and fights back.

  23. We MUST vote Trump back in! It's the only way and the only one who can get this country back on track. TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. You don't have to believe everything you think

  25. I think you will need to provide demonstrable evidence of this, and not doing so is reckless and dangerous.

    I think this is yet another attempt at dividing Americans instead of uniting them, and it is doing so without providing any evidence to support it's claims.

    I think it is pure conspiracy theory that may feel good to the confirmation biases of those who want to believe it, but wanting to believe something doesn't make it true... demonstrable evidence does.

    I think claims of something being 100% planned SURELY has some evidence of the plan, the specific people involved and how they put it together?

    Because if THIS is how we are doing things now, and forming opinions based on wild speculation and conspiracy, then America is truly lost.


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