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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Democrat Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear Announces Plans to Provide 100% Health Coverage For Black Residents (VIDEO)

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear (D) on Monday announced his plans to provide 100% health coverage for black residents.

Mr. Beshear said it’s part of the state’s plan to tackle systemic racism in the healthcare system.

“In our health care system, the inequalities have been laid bare and exposed by this COVID-19 pandemic and the results of inequality in health care have been shown in depth,” Beshear said. “By allowing this type of inequality to exist for as long as it has, we see African Americans dying at twice the rate that they make up of the population, it shouldn’t have taken this pandemic or these demonstrations for us to commit to ending it.”

“My commitment today is we are gonna begin an effort to cover 100 percent of our individuals in our black and African-American communities, everybody” the Democrat governor said. “We’re gonna be putting dollars behind it.”



  1. How is showing racial preferences fighting systemic racism ? It is systematic racism

  2. Unconstitutional

  3. Stop paying your federal taxes people and this crap will go away due to lack of funds

    1. Yeah cause we will all be getting free health care in prison

    2. State taxes.

    3. Yeah see how that works for you when the irs thugs get up in your business. Ever been audited? Ever dealt with the irs? If you have youd know this is the dumbest comment in the whole thread.

    4. Back at ya commie

  4. I have relatives living in Kentucky. That SOB had damn better provide 100% health coverage to every resident of Kentucky then.

    1. 4:28
      By their own standards of conduct:

      They will provide free health care to those residents who IDENTIFY as a black person.

      Are you feeling me homey?

  5. He quoted Dr lock down.

  6. And guess who is going to pay for it.

  7. That is discrimination.

  8. How long before these Fascists push a race tax ???

  9. Discrimination based on one's race? That is against the law. The 14th amendment guarantees equal protection under the law - meaning that no citizens can be treated differently based on their race, gender, etc.


  10. These people are used to Obama giving them FREE health care, food stamps, welfare AND A FREE PHONE. These people should be required to get a job like the taxpayers do. Nothing is free. They sit on their a$$ and wait for working people to take care of them..This is what they are used to. We OWE them and everyone else Nothing. Get a job and feel good about yourself.

  11. Time for the Whites to RIOT ------ Racial Discrimination

  12. Discrimination, racist and illegal! Against several federal laws and I am willing to bet Kentucky state law as well!!

  13. My community is a black community.
    I will get free health care

  14. Just HTF does one prove that they are black or AA? Got papers, like a birth certificate? Got DNA?

    Kentucky demographics are about to radically change.

  15. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard of. Must be an election year.

  16. don't forget the poor white folks who can't afford it.

  17. Whom is the slave now????

  18. What the hell is the matter with all these idiots these days
    I'm beginning to think that we the citizens need to start protests on all these freaking politicians and start to defund every one of them
    I've had enough of every one of them

  19. We've heard this crap before. The problem is they can't pay before it.

  20. AOC said that there needs to be a national payment made every month to black people of this country. She is recommending $2000 a month per person of African descent.

  21. How is that not racism?

  22. And....... the start of socialized medicine....... take a look at how the VA is currently run for a picture of what is to come.

  23. First off Of all things this goes against the civil rights laws that are in place . I hope this dumbass can cover the law suits before bankrupting the state. and I hope these pos have plenty of private security cuz the cops should refuse to cover their asses ! Time to halt these pos across the board

  24. This pinhead is desperate for a headline. What he is describing is illegal.


  25. Think everyone above has hit the bullseye with their comments. The gov may need to get a paper route or deliver pizzas to fund his vision. Jerk.

  26. Remember economics 101. You can not give it away with out someone else having to pay for it!

  27. Discrimination against whites.

  28. Proves that the indoctrination camps(public schools) and the left wing media are working. Proves that Ole Whitey is easily brainwashed these days. Sad time to be an American.

  29. Enough is enough is enough. We cannot let this happen.


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