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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Democrat Governors in MI, NY, NJ, CA and PA Sent Letter Demanding Why They Ignored Protocols and Sent Sick COVID-19 Patients to Nursing Homes

An updated study revealed 42% of all US coronavirus deaths occurred in nursing homes.

That comes out to over 40,000 Deaths in Nursing Homes!
That is a bloodbath!!

Another 60,000 deaths were outside of nursing homes.
Which is what you might expect from a typical flu season.



  1. Does CHOP have any nursing homes? If so, maybe we can convert it to a dedicated health facility there. It worked for Coumo.

  2. 1- to utilize the ventilators show it wouldnt show as a waste and a lie. Being put on a ventilator is 99% death sentence..your on until you die.
    2- for each infected patient they received $39,000. of tax payers money
    3- by infecting as many nursing home residence's as possible they also eliminated costly liabilities and care cost.
    4- helped spread the virus and the fear factor, adding to the numbers kept unlawful lockdown orders in place and helped further destroy the economy.

    Only a well prepared domestic terrorist organization could have done this so efficiently. Democrats.

  3. Exactly 7;01..and shoving that leftared clown coumo down our throats all the while he was killing republican votes while getting face time to bash trump and pat himself on the back. Typical democrat..stepping over bodies as long as the goal is achieved. a nazi Gestapo could not have done a better job.

  4. 7:01
    I agree I hate the disinformation, but now you are guilty of doing it too. 99% of people that get put on a ventilator don't die. It's more like 80%.
    Just saying.

  5. How many in those nursing homes were collecting underfunded (stolen) pensions?


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