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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Democrat Cities: Fourth-World Scourges
When the terrorists become bored and cease terrorizing, when the flames are extinguished, when those who died in the riots are buried and cremated, when the shards of glass from storefronts are disposed of, and when livelihoods are permanently lost, Democrats will still run the vast majority of the deadliest and most dangerous cities in the U.S.

Death and destruction always follow Democrat policies and culture. Stagnant local economies. Unsafe streets for children. Guncrime. Failing schools. Breathtaking corruption. Problems with the police. Property crime. Poverty. Poor public health. Single- or no-parenthomes. All are found in abundance in Democrat-run cities, and foundoverwhelmingly in majority-black neighborhoods.

So who are the true "racists"? By every objective measure and metric, Democrat-run cities are the unequivocal worst places in America to live.

Here's a rundown of how long Democrats have monopolized many of our culturally historic cities. Numbers cited are consecutive days and are slightly rounded up or down.

San Francisco: only Democrat mayors and super-majority Democrat; Boards of Supervisors, 14,000; all 11 current supervisors are Democrats;



  1. This is an eye-opener. All of these cities are in need of a kind of help and change their governments won't accept.

    1. That is what their constituents want or they would either leave or vote differently. They clearly want love poverty and seeing their family and friends murdered and beaten.. some day, after it is to late for them because their lives are over they might be smart enough to realize what the communist Democratic party did to them.

  2. Man, nothings going to change until they burn themselves out.

  3. I believe most Americans who don't live in these cities just haven't noticed. However with Donald Trump and the drain the swamp mandate many are waking up. As for the Democrats who vote that way and the leaders they should understand that no amount of censuring from their high tech donors will silence the information. People are becoming more aware.
    How very sad that they have allowed their very communities to burn down literally and now want to get rid of all police.

  4. It’s an eye opener that white people need to start forming security groups

  5. Comes as no surprise. The left leaning bleeding heart syndrome is counterproductive and based on take what you can get from those who have it. Effective management does not seem to be the strength of the far left. Constituents are poor, uneducated, have no hope and only survive because of things like SNAP, social services, and demands for free health care. This is not a racial thing, statistics show an equal distribution of those receiving benefits between, white, black, and brown. In any society productivity is key.

  6. Lyndon Johnson's dream come true.


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