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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Coronavirus has significantly weakened, could disappear w/o Vaccine

'It was like an aggressive tiger in March and April but now it's like a wild cat'

The coronavirus has significantly weakened and could even disappear on its own, according to a top Italian doctor.

Dr. Matteo Bassetti, the head of the infectious diseases clinic at the San Martino hospital, said in an interview Sunday that COVID-19 patients who would have died two or three months ago are now recovering.

"The clinical impression I have is that the virus is changing in severity," Bassetti told the Telegraph UK.

"In March and early April the patterns were completely different. People were coming to the emergency department with a very difficult to manage illness and they needed oxygen and ventilation, some developed pneumonia," he explained. "Now, in the past four weeks, the picture has completely changed in terms of patterns."



  1. My prediction is that it will flare up again right about mid October.

    1. Don't matter, Biden couldn't win a prize at a carnival, now that he's lost his mind

  2. I sure hope so....this crap has ruined so much progress over the last several years.

    Just want it to go OR they do find a vaccine.

  3. I just bet it does disappear, right after the election in November.

  4. Yall keep listening to the bs if you want. People are simply way more aware, getting tested, and going in for treatment alot earlier. The virus hasn't changed. It is the behaviour of people that has changed that resulted in more positive clinical outcomes.

  5. 2nd article to come out of Italy which contradicts Fauci and the WHO. How come the US never makes this news? Always said the Socialist will make the virus non-legit after the elections. There will be no more Socialist Democrat scare tactics when they lose. Their manipulation of the US citizens will be known.

  6. "2nd article to come out of Italy which contradicts Fauci and the WHO. How come the US never makes this news?..."

    Because Italians know about the things that really matter in life. Like fashion, leather, cheese, gelato, love, all the real important stuff.

    1. 10:47 - You sound like a wannabe

    2. Yeah right, they build the best exotic autos and axe US for ventilators.

  7. Italy really did a good job with addressing the virus. Good for them!

  8. Northwest Woodsman: Now the Pedomarxist democrats will have to construct another crisis issue in their continuous efforts to effect the elections.

  9. Of course it will disappear. The democrats and liberals have riots now, they don't need it anymore.

  10. 952 SAID:

    Yall keep listening to the bs if you want. People are simply way more aware, getting tested, and going in for treatment alot earlier. The virus hasn't changed. It is the behaviour of people that has changed that resulted in more positive clinical outcomes.

    How are the folks getting it then? It lasts a couple of weeks once you have it (like the flu) and about a month later you feel much better (like the flu).

    So those getting tested now and going to the hospital now got it when and how???

    Southern states east to west opened earlier than most - most of the additional tests have been in the southern states. Most are not wearing masks.

    Northern states have worn masks, getting tested, less numbers.

    Behavior IS the key. Don't do the little things (Mask/Wash/Distance) then the virus never ends. Plus we don't REALLY know if one can get it again. Just like the many strands of the flu. Comes every year, but always a different strand.

    no? Yes?

  11. Even states with Republican leaders are being overwhelmed by virus hospitalizations. They reopened in line with the President's opinion that all would be well without masks and distancing. It might just maybe be possible that Trump has a reason to pretend the virus is no big deal.

    1. You all believers keep drinking the kool-aid.

  12. Pat Crouse out of BaltimoreJune 24, 2020 at 8:48 PM

    No way,

    The news said by this summer's end,
    150 million people will die in Maryland because of this Virus.

    you must believe the news

    1. What news said that, the news that only plays in Pat Crouse’s head?

  13. As yesterday posts the largest infection rate since this began. Go ahead , ignore the facts.


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