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Saturday, June 13, 2020

CNN analyst suggests tearing down all George Washington and Thomas Jefferson statues because they were slave owners as protesters deface more memorials and call for the 'Spokesman of the South' Henry Grady to be removed from Atlanta

CNN commentator Angela Rye has called for all statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to be taken down because the men they enshrine were slave owners, she said Wednesday.

Rye's demands come during nationwide protests spurred by the Memorial Day death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, during which Confederate monuments have drawn the ire of demonstrators with dozens defaced and demolished nationwide.

‘American history is not all glorious... George Washington was a slave owner. We need to call slave owners out for what they are,’ Rye declared on the network Thursday. ‘Whether we think they were protecting American freedom or not, he wasn't protecting my freedoms – my ancestors weren’t deemed human beings to him.



  1. If we were invaded and defeated by a communist country these are the things they would do followed by re-education camps

    1. 11:01

      The enemy is inside the gates

    2. We apparently are being invaded by a generation that Rush calls Minds of Mush.

  2. She should really go back to a us history class and pay more attention. And, wth does George Washington who has been dead for 221 years!

  3. Tear up all the statue's you want burn your neighborhood loot the stores where you live. This will get to a point of no return and get very ugly. The woke people need to open their eyes.

    1. 11:29
      I feel your frustration with people who pretend to be woke, but don’t see the corruption in plain sight.

  4. They were sold as slaves from black African leaders to us. So do you want to get rid of Africa to!! This is bullshit..another civil war

    1. They wore Kente cloths when they sold those slaves! Not much has changed, except the Democrats buy blacks instead.

  5. They were also brilliant leaders, statesmen, authors, businessmen, politicians and visionaries. They lived two hundred and fifty years ago. Without them and people like them, who also may or may not have had black slaves or indentured workers of every color, none of us might be here to tell the story or build on their lessons.

    Get a grip.

  6. We need a CIVIL WAR ON DEMS NOW.

  7. Perhaps we should consider tearing down all the MLK statues & memorials.....

  8. CNN, MSM, Politians, BLM and all other organizations does not know history. It was the BLACK slave owners in AFRICA that sold slaves to the Spaniards and others coming to America NOT WHITE SLAVE OWNERS.

    So with that in mind all this street painting, renaming streets and replacing White Heroes and pioneers of the US and replacing them with BLACK statues is right A$$ backwards.

    These groups need to accept their mistakes and take responsibilities of their ANCESTERS.

    1. Tell the whole truth 11:55.

      It was specifically Jewish Merchants (West Indies Trading Company). Jewish crimes aren’t being intentionally deflected onto Caucasian Race.

  9. When you invade and destroy a country you tear down it’s history and then re-educate the masses

  10. When the electric car replaces all that run on gas, all those who had previously owned a gas car will be shot. Same logic!

  11. Everything has an entrance and exit. If you don't like something please do exit. Our world is huge, exit to any other country if you are unhappy.

  12. Its only fair if we tear down confederate statues. We might as well erase all history. Washington killed Indians too. You cant have a history of a country without a past that was not always right.

  13. Do the blacks realized if we never brought their ancestors to this country to be slaves they would be in Africa living in much worse conditions.

  14. Apparently, the protesters are also tearing down abolitionist statues and memorials because they're too uneducated (probably due to our public school system) to know that abolitionists wanted to abolish (hence the root of the word) slavery. This has got to stop!

  15. They had better find a place to hide when the sane folk have had enough and go postal

  16. Well darn, I knew that was coming.

  17. They should contact Bob Culver for advice.

  18. Black's owned and sold more slaves than any white man. Go figure!

    1. They know that. But this SHAM needs to continue. If it doesn't. They can't act like animals anymore. Besides the majority of the black population are to stupid to understand FACTS you just stated.

  19. We need a race war to put these animals down once and for all. This is the only means they understand. Put down the libutards and the whites who hate being White. Let's get it done. They want to call us Hitler?? Let's show them.


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