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Monday, June 22, 2020

CBS’s Pauley Gushes for Cuomo: He's ‘Having a Moment’ and Single!

Effectively downplaying his fumbled response to the coronavirus outbreak in his state, and ignoring the bipartisan calls from state legislatures to investigate why he put infected patients in nursing homes, CBS Sunday Morning host Jane Pauley spent her segment gushes about Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Not only was she dismissive of his critics, but she also appeared to flirt with him while discussing how he was an eligible, sought after bachelor, and pushed him on running for president in 2024.

Though she admitted that New York had a “staggering death toll of 25,000” coronavirus deaths, the most of any state in the country, Pauley proclaimed “Today, Andrew Cuomo is having a moment.”

At one point in her piece, Pauley (via voiceover) recalled how “Cuomo was married for 15 years to Kerry Kennedy, the daughter of Robert F. Kennedy. And until last year, was in a long relationship with author and TV chef Sandra Lee, but he is unattached now.”

In the follow-up clip of their sit-down conversation, Pauley giggled as she playfully teased Cuomo about being single with so much to offer a woman:

PAULEY: You are a bachelor, you've got a nice house here, having a moment, and you can't do a thing with it. Is your social life in a phase one relationship, possibly? Is that an unfortunate set of circumstances?


CUOMO: Well, I think --

PAULEY: I know you're a bachelor. I know. I know you've talked about being available.

CUOMO: Yeah. The house isn't mine, sort of like a rental. I will move out one day. I can reopen the economy, but dating, that's a whole different thing beyond my control.

PAULEY: Pity, isn't it?


  1. She’s old enough to be his mother.

  2. No, he isn't a bachelor. Nor is he a widower. He's a divorced man.
    Let's not be confused by Leftists arbitrarily redefining word meanings to suit their ever-fluid agendas.


    a man who is not and has never been married.

  3. She would fawn over Stalin


  4. Jane is in the demographic Fredo's brother consigned to lonely, miserable deaths in the nursing homes. She needs to be on his good side!

  5. What is with these leftie women who gush over these creepazoids?

    Remember them gushing over slick willy clinton? Obummer?

    Really? You leftie women need to RAISE THE BAR!

  6. She'd fond over herself. She has too.

  7. She an idiot from way back.


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