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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Breaking News Chicago Father's Day Weekend 114 Shot 14 Killed


  1. Hey Rev. Jackson where are you holed up while your people are being slaughtered? Probably in your million dollar mansion hiding under the bed.

  2. So many blacks are screwed up in the head. Dysfunctional and quite frankly very very evil. This is what happens when you have sunk so low in life that you start to prioritize a murder depending on who the murderer is. They own this and no one else. When you teach your youth the uncivilized notion that some murders take priority this is the result. It's gross it's disgusting and truthfully they deserve to live with the consequences of their own evil ways They deserve to live in the war zones They grew it now they can sit down shut up and suck it up They have become disgraces and if they did have morals they would be ashamed. A 3 year old and a 13 year old died and any one who has uttered the phrase blm is at fault

  3. As I have said repeatedly BLM only cares about spewing a false narrative. White people are not killing Blacks in this country. They are killing each other. The study Harvard University completed estimates over 260'000 Black men have died at the hands of Black men since 1980. How can that number be avoided by anyone who actually cares about the lives of young Black men. The hypocrisy here is sickening. This White guilt is real in the minds of our children it has been forced on them by the educational system and the left. That segment of society is back to business as usual killing one another daily and blaming everyone else for their lack of respect to their race and the rest of America.

  4. What were their names? What??? You don't know???!!!! I guess not all black lives matter, just the ones justifiably shot by police.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Pretty obvious that black lives don’t matter, at least to other black

  6. If they keep this crap up are really going to screw up the census!

  7. How sadly ironic - so many fatherless children on Father's Day - so sad

    1. 12:07 pm. These children are better off. We taxpayers will take care of their needs. Damage to their brains have already happened.

    2. Hell, they were fatherless before the shooting started. Dude only wanted to attend in hopes of hooking up Wid babies moma.

  8. The only ones black have to fear or each other and if they were an honest race they would admit this fact.

  9. Why does anyone even care. Blacks LOVE when their youth get murdered and they have to bury them so long as it was another black pulling that trigger. They LOVE when one goes to prison too so they can holler the system is rigged. They don't even care a 3 year old died since he was murdered by another black. They are the devil's spawn for sure. There is no other explanation. The only reason they go all primal when a cop is the killer is because it is a way for them to have an excuses to be themselves which is violent and destructive.

  10. So, let imagine that someone could wiggle their nose and make all the nasty white people disappear.

    How long before these ignorant, uneducated, stupid animals destroy the world?

    About 6 months.


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