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Thursday, June 11, 2020

BREAKING: Antifa COUP Attempt [Developing]

This is your future with no police.

(Gateway Pundit) – Democrats want to defund the police.

But don’t worry Antifa will defend you — for a price.

Antifa domestic terrorists set up an “autonomous zone” in six square blocks in Seattle.

The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.

Reporter Andy Ngo broke this story on Twitter today.



  1. Who is going to Defend Antifa TICK TOCK.

  2. I predict this will not end well. God help us.

  3. All it’s going to take is one nut to fire the first bullet and here comes another Waco!

    1. Maybe. Cops are standing down, because of liberal mayors, not their choice. However if they stand down far enough, they will hopefully organize, wink wink, to lead the American citizens in a well organized force that is overwhelming, and there will be no police officers to protect them. I read about officers leaving the force due to lack of respect and maybe other conditions, but I would be willing to bet they do love their country and will lead the American citizens in a revolt, armed or not.

  4. Ok, so Antifa thinks they can run a city, then have at it. Just wait till the sewers become an issue. You guys have an "engineer" for that? No?...didnt think so. How bout when ya get a power surge, or blackout. Ya'll got an electrician that knows their way around 440 volt systems? No?...didn't think so. How bout when food and water run out, and delivery drivers tell ya to shove it up yer ass? No?...Yeah, lets let them "play house". Hey Antifa, tell is how it works out....

    1. Cement the sewers off!!!

    2. All good points. I have been saying starve em out. Humans die in 3 weeks without food.

  5. Send the Seall team

  6. This is a simple fix. Put barricades around their barricades. Nobody in, nobody out. No food in, check on them in 6 months. Starve the mother fluckers

  7. Yeah, they are going to see "folks with firearms" alright.

  8. This will not end well for the immature millennial Antifa.


    They are attacking America and our way of life.

  9. In this scenario ANTIFA will be exposed out in the open and easily sniped

  10. Build a wall around them. A big beautiful wall.

  11. There is no organized or Soros paid Antifa it's a bunch of Anarchist millennial kids. They are Anti Fascists not some domestic terrorist group. The term has been co-opted and made into the new Boogie Man threat. I would be more worried about anyone that hold elected public office. They are ALL the ones duping you.

  12. President Trump needs to go in and and erect a 30 foot fence and wire it with 50,000 volts of electricity. Cut all power, water and gas!! Since the want there own area give it to them and keep them in there zone they want! Enough said!!!

  13. It's democrat run city so they deserve this. Voting has consequences.

  14. This is an armed insurrection. Should be squashed like a grape.

  15. Send in the RACIST Seattle Seahawks. They all want to take a knee and run their mouths.

  16. And to think that they are getting unemployment and $600 bonus checks from us plus Soros funds.

    1. Plus free food stamps, plus the schools giving out free food, plus free electric, plus free housing, plus free insurance with zero deductable (this year they paid $50/kid if the parent took the kid to the Dr), plus free bikes, free Christmas presents, free cell phone (they pay for the second one (even they are smart enough to know they are being tracked) and I'm sure I'm missing something. Why would you work? Why give that up? Most Americans work to pay the bills and to eat. It is why socialism doesn't work. Once people figure out it is easier to live off the system, they will quit and get their free stuff too. Then who is left to pay for it? Even if I wanted to protest, nicely. I'm to freaking tired. This is a culture issue. This is a lack of God issue. We are to far gone to fix it. Everyone younger then me I talk to wants socialism. They are asking for it. And most people I know who voted for Trump won't do it again. We are in some serious trouble. And Biden? That is the best they have. Nah, something else is going on. They plan to either switch him out, or watch for his Vice President pick cause that is who will be running the country.


  17. 4:55 has the answer. They want to be rousted for the spectacle it will create. Marshals and FBI manage the perimeter.


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