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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Boy This Mayor Jake Day Is A Real Piece Of Crap

I guess since he blocked me years ago from Facebook he figured he could slip one by in the hopes I won't see it but little does this guy realize he has lots of people who cannot stand his agenda.

There is no question there are racist people here on the Shore and I would gladly, unconditionally welcome a visit from Jake Day where I can show him my spam folder so he can see literally hundreds of thousands of rejected comments. If you think what you are seeing is bad, you should see that spam folder. However, I am not one of them, racist. 

Jake Day and Jim Ireton, like little girls, do not call me out by name nor do they call out Salisbury News because they know for a fact they can be sued for defamation. That's cool though, everyone knows I am the only blogger/blog worth any kind of recognition and any Judge knows that. Nevertheless, it truly is sad that so many people have so much hate. I wonder where it really started?

I'll go back to the Barry Tilghman days with Debbie Campbell. The HATE spewed on that council with Mike Dunn was where it all started. That guy would publicly insult Debbie and verbally attack her simply because she disagreed and or produced evidence that blocked their agenda. That is when SBYNews was created and they have always called me every kind of name under the sun, just like they did Debbie. Why, because I had my 1st Amendment Right to Freedom Of Speech and that killed them. So much so Mayor Tilghman actually filed a lawsuit against me in which the Judge smacked her case down on ALL charges. 

So don't you people, (especially Jake Day) go around calling me a racist. My Website is now worth a LOT of money and defaming me could cost you millions of dollars. You can hide, (like I said) by saying blogger or blog but I can assure you it will cost you dearly. 

Call me Jake, I don't bite. I will honestly show you my spam folder and you can see how much I actually deflect and trust me, the very people who ARE in fact racist give me all kinds of crap for not allowing their comments to go though. 

I'll never forget the time the NAACP called me in as former Mayor Jim Ireton told them I was a racist. Jim sent Mary Ashonte several articles I had posted of which appeared to be very racist. Mary brought in 4 or 5 outside NAACP Presidents throughout the state in the HOPE of slamming me down as a racist. While I brought two witnesses to this meeting we sat down at computers and reviewed each of these articles and Mary would say, did you publish this, YES. After reviewing ALL the articles we adjourned to a conference room where Mary tried to intimidate me by saying, HOW DARE YOU PUBLISH SUCH RACIST ARTICLES! I started laughing ad she said, SO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY! I immediately replied, it's hilarious! I looked at the other NAACP representatives and said, did you guys actually READ the articles? They replied, (with a smile) yes. I looked at Mary and asked her the same question, she was clearly confused and said, "I scanned them". I replied, every one of these articles were written by A BLACK MAN! Ben Carson, and such. Mary replied, "WELL BLACK PEOPLE CAN BE RACIST TOO!" I immediately got up and left. And that's the TRUTH. I guess someone will call me a racist now because I left the room in disgust.

Finally, STOP trying to DEFLECT your problems at HOME Jake and turning a non issue into a racist rant. Shame on you Jake Day!


  1. Heard he was deployed. That was the shortest deployment I have heard of. where did he go on Salisbury tax dollars? Was it even legal for his personal expenditure?

  2. That's what they do. Attack the messenger. I loved his last line. How inclusive of you Jake.

  3. Thank you Joe for this post. It's been obvious to me for a while that it's not about race - it's about power. Power in people believing everyone should think like them and if they don't they should be punished. Calling them racist is punishing them.
    But we have Freedom of Speech in this country and if you don't like someone's point of view don't hang out with them.
    As for the bigger picture. Government should not be in the business of regulating people's thoughts or words. The old sticks and stones saying.
    God Bless you for having this blog Joe - there are just too many news outlets being completely dishonest with the public and its sad.

  4. if anyone cant acknowledge that ALL LIVES MATTER then yes they are racist

  5. Sounds like his wife bared it all

  6. He is exercising his First Amendment right to free speech. It is as simple as that. You of all people should appreciate that fact. It’s interesting how as soon as someone publicly addresses your blog, you immediately threaten legal action. That’s a little hypocritical, no? I think you need some time to reflect on your own words and behaviors.

    1. 10:15- Moron, Jake called Joe racist. I'll have words w/ anyone who would call me that as well. Stop being stupid!

    2. Exactly 10:51AM!

  7. You're simply not allowed to disagree with them. If you don't see things their way, you don't get it. There can be no discussion. As long as there can be no discussion, things can only escalate.

    So, to Salisbury and all the other Democrat run cesspools around the country, elect stupid officials, win stupid prizes.

  8. No explaining needed Joe - we ALL know and understand.

    Delmarva's NEWS leader - SBYNEWS!

    Even the haters go to SBYNEWS for their news!

  9. You have the right to say what you feel not like me, not want to reside by me and/or eat by me. Just like I have the right to not want to reside by you eat w/ you or like you and I don't. Long as you or yours don't stand in my way of being safe having fair due process, having opportunities, being a business owner, land owner, making money and having the right to bear arms you keep saying what you want. Like i am. Simply put you stay in your lane I 'll stay in mines long as we can ride the same highway on the same type of paved lane then I'm good. I m not trying to force you or other Caucasians to like or love me. I'm a taxpayer voter land owner and I have a legal documented right to bear arms. This black woman don't speak for the all the other blacks in my communities around here but know I speak for a number. 101.7 should had that same energy when they had you on there. Jake Day a fake mfker and these same blacks loving him don't see him denying or refusing the same privilege that gave his wife a pass that would got me a black woman serious charges and jail time. Sincerely Ms. DNT

    1. Well said! Live and let live.

    2. Hopefully he stays there.

    3. @10:23 thank you and God bless you! Jake Day doesn't care about blacks he cares about votes. Look at Jake's fake ass resume and people you tell me who REALLY has lived a life of "white privilege". You nailed it on the head with this ridiculousness with his wife. If that had been a black female she would have been prosecuted to the very highest level to never be able to return to teaching. They had a deal hashed out before charges were ever filed. Jake is the form of scum that represents the progressive liberal lunacy. He is where these bottom feeders start their indoctrination and on the job training for future political aspirations. We should be thankful though that his wife was caught doing what she was doing and ruined his chances at an upcoming Annapolis bid. Truth be told those Adderall were for Jake himself. The BOY is an alcoholic at best and has done more harm than good for salisbury.

  10. His deployment will be the best thing to happen to 'da-Bury' in a long time!

  11. Virtue signaling is his god. He needs to get back to church.

  12. It’s being run on the local news radio spot by Hunter landen that jake day called blogger joe albero a racist. It says joes name on the radio.

  13. Typical progressive democrat run city.

  14. 10:15, There's First Amendment Rights and then there's ABUSE of your First Amendment Right. Defaming someone by calling them a racist is abuse of such said right. Now he's going to have to PROVE I'm an alleged racist and trust me when I tell you, I have plenty enough evidence to prove the opposite. He just doesn't know that and will soon find out. He made a huge mistake.

    1. Joe
      You should pull up some of Molly , NAACP , Antifa, Blm Hate speech Posts ?

    2. Molly is the tank division of ANTIFA

  15. Racism and bigotry are the result of bad choices made by individuals. The leftist/liberal crowd of all hues, white, black, Hispanic, etc., want to impose collective guilt on all Caucasians all over the world using the term "systemic racism" as their code term. That is total bullshit.
    What the now former cop did to George Floyd was just plain evil, but his evil act was his choice. His evil choice is not the result of systemic racism by white people or by the law enforcement community.
    Remember the wisdom of George Patton,"If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking." I am not buying into this collective guilt crap for one minute. None of us should.

    1. Ditto, pitbullface. Very nice true comment.

    2. Right and that s why I'm not thinking that poo putt mess you thinking. Law enforcement is out of control. Just saw where a 70 year old elderly white man, no harm was pushed down and they lied not knowing someone videoed it.

  16. I'll add, I'm going after him personally AND as Mayor of Salisbury. He will pay twice. Sorry taxpayers but enough is enough. I did not choose to counter sue Tighman and even the Judge asked me why. I clearly would've won financially in that case as well.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️

    2. New Title...
      Eastern Shores News Leader.

    3. Awww poor Joe got his feelings hurt. You now have an even bigger problem on your hands. There are a large number of concerned citizens calling the businesses that advertise on your page. I have personally called a few. It looks like you are going to be losing a lot of income over your poor racist behavior.

    4. 1232

      We are BOYCOTTING all the black owned stores in Danbury thanks mayor for posting also 🖕Mojo's.

    5. 12:32 jackass of the day with gay Day if it cant say ALL LIVES MATTER you are racist

  17. Sue him or not, we are grateful for what you do for us. See you when you open back up.

  18. People like Jake use racism as their shield against all criticism like all Democrats do as a deflection away from their list of failures ... Look at where all the police shootings and riots take place , they’re all controlled be Democrats and have been for well over 50 years

  19. Have to go after these people hard that think they call everyone a racist.

  20. 11:07 do it Joe. I would love to see him have to issue an apology to you.

  21. Fyi minorities can not be defined as racist based on the definition as racism is projected by the majority and those in power. So if you want to say some minorities are prejudiced then ok. Just like I can and will say some Caucasians are racist some aren't and some are prejudiced and racist. Only you, i and everyone on here in your heart can honestly classify your category and own it. I know all whites aren't racist because i have encountered some who earned and have my respect, but because of experience and unfair treatment I've endured or encountered in Every since of the rhelm I can say I am prejudiced and just not towards whites, but primarily towards whites

  22. Hey libs hate speech is Protected FREE SPEECH 🖕

    1. You offend me and my 🌈 undies.

    2. Free speech I understand. However, I expect a lot more professionalism from the Mayor. This isn't highschool 😭 I do believe Jake Day is very very envious of Joe's success in his blog, restaurant and especially of his blog followers. Get a life Jake. Go to Baltimore with the National Guard and sure some real patriotism.

  23. Damn Boi Mare, can't you get gone already! Africa is missing one of its idiots. They need some traffic circles and bike lanes built.

  24. Maybe a pack of Hyena's will get him while he is in Africa.

  25. I agree go ahead and Defund police lol because it will be open season on criminal thugs 🙏

  26. jake day is a pos! anyone who hangs with jake day is a pos! anyone who supports jake day is a pos! salisbury has been turned into a sh!thole under the democrats in charge for the last 15 years. when I was in the USMC we referred to individuals like jake day as sh!tbirds! cause everything he touches turns to sh!t!

  27. 12:32 Is that a THREAT? asking for a concerned advertiser who will continue to advertise...

  28. 10:09 tell that to the families of shooting victims every weekend in cities across America that die from their brothers.

  29. He just loves insulting anyone that doesn't agree with him.
    Most of them his citizens and he is too stupid to realize that since he only caters to those that kiss is a$$

    I am proud to have escaped that cesspool.
    No worries Jake, you won't have to worry your little head about me ever returning.

  30. There was no "fear of protest." The only fear was of those and their actions who might come to do harm to the city and its people.

  31. Joe, just keep doing what you do. Allowing free speech in a public forum is just one of the reasons our republic was founded. Whether you agree or disagree or become offended by someone's opinion is irrelevant (unless slander or defamation). The ability to express that opinion or observation is the point and the law.

  32. Mary Asshati is the biggest racist of all. They need to start practicing what they preach.

  33. Same old S.... cater to the hundreds, ignore the 10s of thousands. Glad I left.

  34. The notion that only white peoples can be racist is racist on its head and should be shouted down immediately... its hate speech

  35. Racist people to the liberals are those who disagree with them and say it out loud.

  36. If I was buying drugs from minors I was paid to look after on school grounds and wasn't hauled away in cuffs and thrown into a cell would that be white privilege?

  37. Poor Jake can't handle the pressure of carrying out john John Cannon and Randy Day's agenda. Cannon used Jake's progressive agenda to further his slumlord dependancy and Randy is just an older version of Jake that needs to feel superior and accepted. Both are pathetic excuses for a man and the ONLY way they would feel relevant and accepted was to get Jake in office and buy the attention of the left wing lunacy with salisbury's tax dollars

  38. @11:43 Educate yourself with a dictionary before you show your ignorance!!!!!!!

    Learn to pronounce
    noun: racism
    prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

    Doesn't say anything about a race has to be a minority! Accept the fact that any race can be racist just like any person! Stop making excuses!!!!!!!

    1. That is that superiority complex coming into play as if you had thoroughly educated your self you d know the word's origin evolved during the time of European imperialism and thrived during slavery. I doubt slaves were feeling superior, let's be real and honest, when have minorities ever felt powerful and superior. The definition has been transformed throughout the years to pacify excuse makers like you. The majority and feeling of superiority was and still is relevant in its Orgin of meaning. And you can find that in Wikipedia which is used to educate your children and mines.

  39. I'd like to know how Jake plans on continuing to pay for all these ridiculous socialist programs now that his tax base is dwindling away. Only so much state money available and I doubt the federal money will keep coming in after the lack of leadership displayed by democratic mayors and governor's

  40. I don't fear the city due to its diversity, I fear and left the city due to the drive by shootings, the drug dealer house in my neighborhood, the robberies down the street and the crack pipes in my lawn.

    He is so out of touch with the reality.

  41. Jake Day let's talk about the real travesty that occurs here in Salisbury MD. Lets discuss the terrible working conditions your own father bestows upon the processing plant workers in Salisbury MD. Lets discuss the low wages and minimum benefits. Lets discuss how your father and local slumlord scumbag John Cannon exploit these very same black lives matter people's family members that you are so distraught and consumed with saving from white privilege and racism. You continue to talk out of both sides of your face

    1. Real talk I hear the crickets.

  42. Joe, Keep up the great work that you do. Not a day goes by that I don't read your blog. As for Jake and his Daisey chain, they are all POS. I call him the inch man (if you get my drift). I don't know how he got out of high school.
    Love you Joe and we all stand behind you.

  43. Hey Jake Bugs Bunny called. He wants his teeth back.

  44. day always the liar. Never told the truth in his life and never will His "neighbors" he claims The liar couldn't wait to get as far away from the black neighborhoods as he could get.
    His kids will never go to a mostly minority school. His kids will never play in a playground in the minority neighborhood unless it's for a photo op. He lies a good lie but never walks the walk

  45. Anonymous said...
    Hey Jake Bugs Bunny called. He wants his teeth back.

    June 6, 2020 at 4:41 AM

    i just had a good laugh over this one. Thanks.

  46. He is a wife abuser folks....I hope she leaves him!


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