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Monday, June 01, 2020

Blaming White Supremacists For The Riots Is Nonsensical Gaslighting

I can’t believe they even tried it. On Saturday morning Minnesota officials came out with an audacious and absurd explanation for the looting and arson that struck Minneapolis this week. Apparently it was white supremacists from out of state who pretended to be actual protestors in an attempt to discredit the protest. The evidence? A vague claim and a lie. It turns out that most of those arrested were actually Minnesota residents.

The hypocritical mental gymnastics from the liberal media in the past 72 hours were amazing enough to earn a perfect 10 from the stingiest East German judge. First, we watched tens of thousands of people hold mass gatherings across the country, which just last week we were told would kill everyone, and the media suddenly didn’t care. It’s like the Chinese virus just went away by magic.

Next we were informed that the looting and arson we witnessed from the protesters was simply the language of the oppressed and how could we even comment about it when another black man was killed by the police. Celebrities posted bail for the heroes of Minneapolis. And yes, the brutal killing of George Floyd is an occasion for outrage.

Now, and this is subject to change by the time this paragraph is over, these horrible acts of looting and arson were mainly done by Right-wing white supremacist interlopers. That’s right. Some shadowy organization of neo-Nazis apparently sent false flag psyop operations all over the country to foment a race war. Or something.

The good news for the racists is that fa



  1. POS NY mayor Deblasio’s daughter is with Antifa and was arrested and he said he was proud of her.

  2. Probably not white supremacists, just brain washed white millennial who feel white guilt about their white privilege. Lots of progressives like to be involved to show they are woke.

  3. No one cares about cracker white Supremacists they are as FRINGE and Un-American as the Antifada.

    1. Correct!! They literally have no idea how irrelevant they have become!

  4. Haven’t seen too many Confederate flags on the news. Just Antifa.

  5. Is that thing really a girl 4:07? It's one of those he/she things. Can't blame her/him though. There's no way DiBlasio and his ghetto trash wife could spawn a normal human being.

  6. People & the Press never mention that > there ARE Black Supremacist
    & Black Racists !!! It is as if ONLY Whites can be that !!! WRONG

    You also have GOOD Blacks & GOOD Whites who live Normal lives as
    best as they can & don't bother anybody & are Law Abiding !!!


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