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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Black is the New Black in Color Revolutions

The U.S. is in a Civil War. It began four years ago after Donald Trump’s election and has finally boiled over into open warfare here in 2020.

From the moment the protests against the killing of George Floyd were hijacked into looting and rioting I worried about this turning into something far greater, something with a far higher purpose.

Within a couple of days it was obvious the U.S. was now the subject of a color revolution of the same type and build up that occurred in places like Ukraine, Georgia, Egypt, Serbia and others.

And it’s pretty clear the color for our revolution isn’t orange or brown or violet, it’s black.

The questions I have are why this is happening now? The obvious answer is the full court press to deny Trump a second term. That’s a practically stated goal at this point.



  1. Well just like the Civil War. But this time when we win I say put these animals back in chains. It seems that's what they've wanted. It all they ever talk about. Let's give them something to talk about.

  2. Well we were all ONCE black. Adam and Eve as caucasian is another Biblical fantasy. Ask any light skinned Jew.

    1. 7:03
      My god man, how old are you exactly?

  3. Black like their hearts souls and cause.. a black death

  4. It is a communist takeover

  5. The one and only OBAMA is the one who got all this racial turmoil going. Things were fine before he got in the pot and started stirring. So, thank your ole buddy OBAMA.

  6. It’s time to arm up and fight back

  7. We are Americans. Color should not matter since we all bleed red.

    Education and smarts doesn't know color either.

    We are Americans.

    1. 8:30


      We are children of God the Father of Jesus Christ. Celebrate!

  8. You are right, 7:45! Things were much better between the races before his election. He could have made things so much better, too. Instead, he created more division.

  9. Blacks don't even Like themselves !!! Dark Black vs Brown !!!

  10. We Normal people in America Don't dwell on Race All day , 7 days a week !!! WE have a LIFE & Not giving it away either !!!


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