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Friday, June 05, 2020

Biden Has No Good Options

This riot crisis will pass, and then it’s nothing but bad choices ahead for Badfinger Biden, not that he realizes it. He’s too far gone and far too busy watching his stories on the tee-vee to negotiate the crucial strategic decisions he faces if he wants to win. Even if not he has not already disembarked the short bus in Seniletown, he’s at least wandering aimlessly through its suburbs. The calls he has to make – about reacting to the failing Antifa/Democrat insurrection, about picking a veep, and about how to handle the only guy who seemed to grow younger, healthier and sharper in the Oval Office – would not be easy one for someone on the ball, much less someone giggling as he chases a ball around his backyard.

The uprising by the Antifa-Democrat axis, where state and local Democrat politicians wink at the violent, militarized wing of their party’s criminal antics in order to intimidate the normal, is going to be a disaster for the Dems. Oh, the media wants to present it as this dire nightmare for Trump, but within 24 hours five people personally (putting aside online folks) told me they were going to become first time gun owners. I’ll take anecdotes over media narratives any day, as President Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit should have. The Secret Trump Vote on 11/3 is gonna be huge.

There were several factors that the bad guys (uh oh, assuming genders again!) failed to appreciate when they decided to exploit the protests. First, there was the sense of betrayal it would create. People agreed that the actions of the Minneapolis cops were unacceptable, but they also saw through the cynical effort to leverage that tragedy into an excuse for radical violence. The essential insincerity of Antifa and the Antifa-curious was confirmed when we saw black law enforcement officers dead on the ground and it was received with a collective shrug by the Dem pols, trust fund terrorists and kneeling suburban mommies who wail about their privilege.



  1. Yeah he does, Give Antifa the White House and Congress!

  2. I agree there is no way they are going to let Biden debate Trump one-on-one...it would be a slaughter. This will be the first election without any direct debates...who's gonna win? Everyone knows his VP pick would quickly become President.

  3. CNN asked Joe Biden about tomorrow and it being the anniversary of "D-Day".

    CNN; well Mr. Biden what are you going to do for D-Day tomorrow?

    Joe; well I don't think anything because I've never had a Divorce.

    CNN: DIVORCE? Sir were talking about D-Day!

    Joe: yes a day to celebrate when your divorce is final.

    CNN; No it is when the Allies went after the Germans!

    Joe; Why go after Germs, is that this virus thing? Those Germs are making people sick. Sick people can't go a vote for me, I'm going to be a Senator!

    CNN; No Sir I'm talking about WW2 and those Germans.

    Joe; well you know when I was in the trenches in France we fought the Germans. I was just 19 then. I was scared, and had lost my toy bear.

    CNN; Sir you remember being in WW1?

    Joe; Yup, I was there and did my duty. I did my Duty in a bucket in the corner. I also did my duty in a bucket on a ship, and then in a field, and now I just do my duty in my diaper and my mommy changes me!

    CNN; Mr. Biden, what is your mothers name?

    Joe; Ruth, Ruth Ginsburg.

    CNN; (reporter shakes his head and walks away.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Please folks, I beg of you, please don’t vote for any democrats in the next general election. I’d really like to live out the rest of my life in relative peace and tranquility. Don’t feel sorry for them if you don’t vote for them for they will have a significant number of fraudulent votes cast by ineligible sources including the deceased. Because of that, they will not suffer from any self esteem issues, kind of like getting a trophy even though your team was skunked. I can’t imagine the chaos they would create of they won the presidency and significant seats in Congress. Life as we have known it will cease to exist. As an example of what we will experience, take a hard look at all of the cities that are in the grip of corrupt democrat politicians. Do we really want the entire country turning into one huge Detroit or Chicago? I’ve experienced a fairly interesting and exciting life and career and with the years I have left, I really do not want to see my great country turned into a Venezuela with our capital like another Detroit.
    Thanks for listening!


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