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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Be Courageous And Stand Firm, America—We Do Not Kneel

Americans didn't kneel to British tyranny, Nazi fascism, or Soviet communism. We won't kneel for a collective guilt movement that's gone off the rails.

Those who live in the far north in author George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” novels live by one principle: “We do not kneel.” They call themselves the “Free Folk.”

That used to be a label that was proudly worn by all Americans. But a still-too-unquestioned movement pushing guilt-by-associated-skin-tone has begun to undo one of this nation’s bedrock ideals.

The kneeling phenomenon demanded by the radical left in the wake of George Floyd’s death—and embraced by those guilted into submission—creates a two-tiered social stratification of “kneelers” and “those who refuse to bend the knee” that’s wholly un-American.

Mobs resulting from years of citizens saturated in “critical race theory” and grievance studies have pressured far too many into believing they bear guilt for the past sins of others. Now they kneel in fealtyto that false reality or are exiled from society.

Unfortunately, it’s also moved beyond just kneeling.



  1. ONLY one I kneel to is GOD 🖕

  2. That is a pose of capitulation, of defeat, of forced fealty.

  3. And the "other side" accuses Trump of shameless photo ops

  4. White Democrats, you can't reach people by pretending to know who they are. This goes double for black Democrats, who should know better but don't want to rock the Plantation boat.

  5. Kneel for a more stable firing position or when you pray.

    But when kneeling for a firing position, the OTHER people will be praying...

    Carry a gun.

    Don't ask any strangers if it's okay with them, either. They WILL NOT protect you.

    Or, keep cheering. It's probably what you do best anyway.

  6. BLM and democrats are taking a knee for the luciferian principles they worship

  7. So the soldiers kneeling at fallen soldiers grave sites is not okay? Humility is not a weakness

  8. Nothing but political....all with an African scarf around their necks....if I was a black man this would piss me off big time!! I did expect to see Jackson and Sharpton with them....photo opportunity!

  9. Um, no one has demanded that anyone kneel. If you have to make up bs to justify your point, well you probably don't have a valid point

  10. This is actually a pose of deception. They are kneeling NOW but you watch what happens in the next few weeks and months. They are not going to change anything. They have all been in politics for the past 30 years. If they haven't done anything by now, it's not happening. But they will probably kneel until November when they think they will win the election. Then you watch for the news laws against rioting and looting. New laws about blacks talking disrespectfully to officers. Defund the police? They'll be adding tanks to the arsenal. Fakers.

  11. Are you really comparing BLM to Nazi facism?

    1. It was not me but , yeah

    2. Looks and sounds the same to me, and it wasn't me either

  12. And we will not kneel to an authoritarian imbecile who rallied racist America behind him. We will not bend the knee. You think you are "guilty by associated skin tone" because you only see race. I can't wait until your heartless generation are gone from the Earth.

    1. Tiff chit. I've already trained my children and grand children

  13. Coward censoring posts that knock down your narrative. You are a coward.

  14. 2:21 what would you compare them to?? Can’t do anything without rioting...Killing....destroying!

  15. I kneel for God only; no man. period!!! White guilt is misguided and wrong at its core...these DEMS are Pandering and they know it. It makes me sick to see all this.

  16. So, we do it again. Boycott sports. Do not buy from black business. Make them all pay. It worked in 2016. Cost ESPN and other football broadcasting stations millions of dollars.

  17. Investigate BLM ,who funds it and who profits from it.

  18. Should be Kneeling to the Whites for Reverse Discrimination called
    AFFIRMATIVE ACTION !!! We want Reparations for that !!!

    We don't OWE Anybody Anything !!! Blame the Bad cops , not us !!!!

    1. I blame welfare. Any human will remain fundamentally a child if they are handed food and money. This is done to certain claases out of society.Everyone should work for their livelyhood and to take care of theirselves and family unless you win the lotto or your family is fortunate enough to help. Look at rich kids. They act the same as welfare abusers.


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