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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Authorities are letting Jeffrey Epstein’s fixer Ghislaine Maxwell get away with it

We got Osama bin Laden, but we can’t catch a repulsive fugitive socialite?

Since the death of sex trafficker-rapist-pedophile Jeffrey Epstein last August, the woman who allegedly recruited his many, many underage girls and sexually abused them herself has been in hiding.

And Ghislaine Maxwell has hardly been moving cave-to-cave.

Most recent reports put the 58-year-old in a luxury apartment in Paris, right off the Champs Elysees.

At the risk of stating the obvious, Paris, too, is on COVID-19 lockdown. The Sun reports that Maxwell is currently living on Avenue Matignon in the city’s 8th arrondissement, in an apartment reportedly owned by a Normandy-based millionaire.

This would put her just five minutes away from the late Epstein’s own Parisian apartment, which was raided shortly after his suicide.

So: where is the urgency? Why hasn’t this depraved criminal suspect, one who by many credible accounts sexually abused minors for years, been arrested yet?

France may not have an extradition treaty with the U.S., but that doesn’t explain why French authorities haven’t taken her into custody. It’s well-known that Jeffrey Epstein was a sexual predator who knew no geographic boundaries. Maxwell appears to have been his madam, his pimp, his enabler, his co-conspirator, and reportedly a sexual offender herself.



  1. Just another deep state coverup. We all know Epstein didn't hang himself. They got to protect all those Democratic pedophiles

  2. Ghislaine will never be prosecuted. She is well known for the "favors" she dispenses to the authorities, most of whom happen to be of the male persuasion.

  3. What did she do wrong ?

  4. 11:43 am is your question serious? If so where have YOU been?
    Maxwell is not long for this earth - she knows too much. They ( the absusers) are just waiting until this all dies (no pun intended) down. She knows too many people in high places that are probably still using her services.

  5. They don't want her talking about her involvement, and she probably don't want to as she may suffer the same fate as Epstein. She know too much about who's involved !!!

  6. Clinton Global charity money in safe keeping with Epstein.

  7. Maybe she did some quit pro blow??

  8. The clock is still ticking.

  9. She better be careful > she is a LOOSE END for the Clintons !!!!


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