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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Ask Yourselves, Is This Real?


  1. What’s odd is the cop and George worked at the same place doing security and knew each other... could it be a scam and George is living on an island as a millionaire after his family sues the city with the cop joining him later ?

  2. Leftmedia would have you believe most don’t want police but 91% do.

  3. I have a Question why was Floyd's casket CLOSED ?

    1. No time to open a box running around the country side. They had a memorial in many states. Maybe funeral too?

    2. And so small for such a big man.

  4. Wow... just like 9-11, Sandy Hook, now this. SMH.

  5. OH its real alright, been telling you sheep for a week now this was all coordinated, a set-up by the enemy of the people, paid for by soros and the DNC. People blinded by skin color arguing and protesting about anything...all while the cabal, the communist and friends destroy the USA and blame Trump for it. They were banking on the military shooting the rioters so they could go after Trump. Stop letting the msm brainwash you.

  6. There has to be something to all this folks...wake up and do your own research...

    1. 6:59-Stop telling me what to do. Why don't you do you?

  7. It is a Psyop
    Run from you guessed it . . . Langley

  8. As I've said before, there are perfect storms, then there are too-perfect storms.

  9. For the sake of argument, let’s say it is true. If so, the entire Minneapolis police department, the coroners and others would have to be in on it by their silence and omissions. That makes this theory highly, highly unlikely.

    1. Blue Lodge instructions

    2. They eere, Keith Ellison son is on the council. Mayor is dorty. Per you cops are corrupt. Don't know who the coroner's were but I net of you research it you will find ....

  10. 6:06 forget it. They would be fighting over the money by now and rat one another out. Plus it's ridiculous.
    Speaking of fighting over money I am friends with freddie gray's sister Pretty missy miss on FB and they fought like cats and dogs over the money they got. The sisters turned on the mother I guess she wasn't giving them any money. They blamed her for drinking the money away and spending it on drugs. All on FB they were fighting like crazy for awhile.

  11. geesh not on here too. What about the other three? It's bad enough we can't believe MSM now regular? ppl are feeding into the bs and writing their own fantasy whodunit.

  12. This George Floyd event is a Hoax in order to destroy President Trump just like the Covid Virus.

    Well played, Democrats, Well played!

  13. The Democrat Party went socialist, then they went Manson family.

  14. and poof its gone...nothing to see here.....

  15. Wow that didn't last long. Gone but not forgotten.

    So funny how things just vanish!

  16. So the original poster of the video supposedly posted the ONLY copy of it they had, then it was removed from here? NOTHING digital EVER disappears anymore. IF it ever existed, it still has to somewhere.


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