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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and Setting Up Armed Security Watch — List Includes Reparations and Ending Police Dept.

As we reported yesterday — Antifa domestic terrorists set up an “autonomous zone” in six square blocks in Seattle over the weekend.

The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.

The Antifa group set up barricades at the border and certain areas for dining and public speech.

Andy Ngo reported on this yesterday.



  1. insurrection..... go get emJune 11, 2020 at 9:12 PM


  2. The cowards just caved into the mayor and the police the station is opening back up.

  3. This is seriously scary. I do not want to see what happens when more of these alt-leftists take over in more places. What on earth will it take to get back civility, capitalism, and democracy? So many of us are adamantly opposed to socialism, ultraliberalism, and pandering to the lowest common denominator. What can we do?

  4. Preposterous! Never listen to anyone who brings you a list of "demands"!

  5. We are in the midst of a communist coup attempt... wake up!

  6. Whoa! You want sprinkles on that?

    1. They act like they are about to drink that special kool aid of mr.jones'

  7. Hey agreed. See next week without your officers asps.

  8. Wow, is that it???

  9. At some point the city should give property owners the opportunity to restake their claim with no repercussions as to how they achieve it. The problem would take care of itself.

  10. It's Seattle. No significance whatsoever. Burn baby burn.

  11. Funny, a search of Seattle local news makes no mention of this. Why would a story this huge be ignored by Seattle TV stations, including the local Fox affiliate? Newspapers too, nothing, zip, nada.

  12. This all will end badly.

  13. 9:47 Stop, i almost chocked on my coffee on that!

  14. Ok Seattle, well look into that....oh yeah, here's our request...."Go F#@K Yourself!

  15. Brain dead idiots.

  16. Soros backed this he also need to be taken out..

  17. That would be good! It would show the rest of the Country what it means to killed in defense of lunacy. But that'll never happen because the first shot fired will cause two things, 1. A lot of pants that need laundering, 2. Nobody present to arrest! All these anarchists are bad in word only. One division of top soldiers will maintain Seattle in two days and show these assholes what happens when you play big boy ball!

  18. I demand a $6,000 a week paycheck be sent to my house so i do not have to work any longer. 👍😂

  19. Why don't these dumbasses realize disarming people will getnthis country invaded by another country or stupider cult than them.

  20. I wish they would use that military tool that uses heat from a distance to disband these hate groups, no shot would have to be fired, people just couldn't stay because of the heat.

  21. LOL, Shut down the artsy fartsy coffee shops and they will all go home to their Mom's basement

  22. If the police won’t step up and take the city back, send in the Nation Guard! Someone has to step up and bring this nonsense to a halt!

  23. This is the Fort Sumter of Civil War II. If the communists get away with this they will began the takeover of all our Democratic run cities. The new autonomous territories will be the bases for their attack troops, the black shirted Antifa and BLM. Trump needs to deal with this now as well as "we the people" doing our part. Obviously the commies have been organizing and preparing for a takeover of the US just waiting for the opportune time. The murder of George Floyd provided that. The second amendment was created for our personal defense and the creation of a people's militia. Its time for we the people that still respect law and order and common sense to start organizing our response to to the communists. We all have to die sometime, this would be a noble cause worth fighting for. We know what becomes of countries overrun by communists, thousands of our military men fought and died to protect us from them when they were the external enemy. I for one will not stand by and give them this country from within. Who is with me?

  24. How long are they going to do this without pay. LoL Dumb ass


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