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Friday, June 26, 2020

Another Stabbing This Morning In Ocean City Maryland

At approximately 5:30 this morning, OC Fire/EMS was dispatched to the Quality Inn on 54th St. for a reported fight. Upon arrival, they confirmed a person had been stabbed in the face and abdomen. Victim was transported to PRMC in serious condition. No other info available at this time.


  1. OC is not what it one was.
    It is worse

  2. Wow. What is happening to OC?

  3. Keeping it classy.

  4. Any further confirmation of what happened yesterday on 6th street???

    Family friendly resort indeed!!!


  5. Rickie, I presume you got a good night sleep last night!

    Should be a interesting meeting this week!

  6. You think the stabbing and assaults are bad you should see what they hide from the public! Rapes are a big problem!

  7. We entertained our grand kids from out of stated recently and generally take them to O.C. to enjoy the arcade and board walk fries etc. Not this year.

  8. Meanwhile people are worried about wearing masks.

  9. Why PRMC when AGH is much closer?

    1. AGH isn't the hospital PRMC is when it comes to the ED.

  10. It's a sad state that our country is in....Outrageous behavior!!

  11. Northwest Woodsman: Why do I already assume that Scandinavians are responsible. I guess their propensity for violence leads me to believe that this is another incident involving them. Please tell me why we put up with this threat day after day. We have been involved in a low intensity race war with these people for a long time. The tempo of that intensity has increased exponentially over the last two or three months and if you think that it soon will be abated you are dreaming. Now that they have seen what they can get away with, they will step up their efforts to a higher level. Prepare yourselves, a huge confrontation is coming.

  12. Look at the recent cover up by the Ocean City Police Dept! Police punching people in the face! Where is BLM?? Need to put this video on the AP!!!

    1. He wasn't black, so they don't care.

    2. Your mother must be proud of you

  13. So there is an unknown race war between what race and Scandinavia? Is that a race? My 23andme results show that I have some of that area's DNA in me. I'm not any less of an American or a citizen of the United States since I was born here. I'm not quite understanding what 10:31 is referencing here. Can someone better explain it? Thank you.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: Sorry 10:54, I use Scandinavians as a euphemism for they are generally blonde haired and blue eyed which is just the opposite of the people that I am commenting on. And yes, I know that they are not a race in itself but a race made up of northern and western Europeans of which I am one. Sorry you were unable to understand that I use Scandinavians as a substitute for those I am commenting on in order to get comments past the sometimes too sensitive moderator.

    1. Also known as Monday's, Canadians, or Dindu's.

  15. He's trying to be poetically sarcastic. I hope he don't quit is real job. Lol

  16. Guess the Mayor of O.C. went to the same school as the Mayor of Salisbury.
    No crime there or here !!

  17. Agh is not a trauma center.Prmc is a designated trauma center.More resources.A local ambulance can not even take a car crash victim to Agh.

  18. Actually I feel Northwest Woodsman has provided a lot of intelligent comments. Well done.

  19. 223 yes yes!!!

    NW - keep on keepin on!

  20. 10:54 here. I understand the dindu population. Thanks for letting me in on the new terminology.

  21. Gee think what it would be like if it was not a family resort?

  22. I work at that Quality Inn. I arrived at work at 7 am.

  23. I heard the guy isn't even being charged with attempted murder, either, even after he apparently told the police he was trying to murder the victim. This is what Heiser thinks about Worcester, she lets violence and lawlessness rule the day. The only thing that dime store Barbie cares about is what kind of shoes she is wearing.

    1. Did he survive? What are they charging him with?

  24. This just a racist paper, with ignorant racist comments it just shows how weak you are, god will have the final say you maybe first now but read what place the Bible says you will end up in LAST!!!


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