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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Another Protest To Take Place Today/Tonight In Ocean City

I just spoke to a friend who was informed they're planning another protest some time today in Ocean City and that people are being bused in. Let usknow in comments if you've been updated about this event.


  1. Do a Curfew to STOP THIS.

  2. Business owners are allowing this ? Say bye bye to you property.

  3. For convenience it will be at the outlets.

  4. You are so full of it! Who the heck wants a bus ride to OC? They need to be in Annapolis where it might do some good.

  5. If they're looking for a high-end store to loot, they better start the "protest" in Rehoboth.
    You can't swing a cat and not hit a T-shirt shop on the 'Boards.
    Also, remember this: If you loot Thrasher's, they do not have ketchup. You have to go over and loot the A-Stand for the ketchup.

  6. Full police force should be waiting for them with National Guard on standby.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I never post vulgar words but yet either Joe or someone there let him do it I’m screenshooting this now ... I cannot believe they posted that word on this site. You can’t post any N word or anything else on here. A word that has nothing to do with color it has to do with complete ignorance and you Joe must be one or whoever allow that to be posted post my comment please when you don’t that’s when they’ll be an issue

  8. Americans are allowed to protest.

    1. But not loot

    2. Yeah and cops aren't allowed to take justice into their own hands so what is your point? So we can lump protesters and looters together but not good cops and bad cops?

  9. 3:17 Yes, but for some strange reason this one comes with looting, violence and killing. People should be afraid.

    1. I think the cops are still in the lead for killing but only time will tell.

  10. Why would they bother to Bus them in ? There is nothing here and very little media attention. It's not a Hot Spot. If they do come I hope they pack a lunch.

  11. WTF!? How many of these "Peaceful & Non-Violent" protests are they going to have? Isn't there another one on Saturday? Do we need to start bringing our guns to the boardwalk these days to protect ourselves & families?

  12. You guys literally tried (and failed) to set up several "Reopen Ocean City" rallies. Who cares if a couple dozen people walk down the boardwalk with signs? Why are Republicans so constantly offended by everything?

    On top of that, I haven't seen news about this protest anywhere else. This is just more fake bullshit Joe's making up for clicks.

  13. No SH&% 3:17. What they're not allowed to do is act like barbaric terrorists and get away with murder, assaults, armed robbery, arson, and countless other felonious acts.

  14. Just another chance for assholes to act up and get some free stuff because they don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of an a living in their mommy and daddy's basement

  15. We’ll be there to key their cars

  16. If they remain peaceful fine. If the buses are paid agitators and they start looting and rioting SHOOT TO KILL.

  17. More stupid SU faculty and students. I would love to see the cops smash some of their heads. But they will probably kneel down and hand over their service weapons.

  18. " Anonymous said...
    Americans are allowed to protest.

    June 3, 2020 at 3:17 PMJ"

    No kidding Rocket Scientist but if you call what is going on protests then you are a waste of space on this earth and don't you dare forget it. None of the floyd protests have ever been a protest much less peaceful They have all been an attempt to intimidate at the minimum and riots which included other murders, looting and destruction at the maximum. So don't even try coming here with your BS You will be called out do you understand?

  19. All we need is a plane like Pussy Galore flew in Goldfinger and a few cannisters of knockout gas.

  20. Gasoline is cheaper in Mardela to fill up those glass bottles, just sayin.

  21. Nobody cares what they have to say ... bandwagon

  22. It has been posted on Facebook for June 6th. It’s on the Worcester county trash and treasure site.

  23. 9:12 I am glad that word was posted. It goes to show the type of people who are "protesting" which are the trash types. Not that we already didn't know they were the dregs of society but seeing how they talk solidifies what we already knew.

  24. There is no evidence what so ever that his death was racially motivated. They only THINK it was and protest over nothing. Those people are some real mental midgets.

  25. Don't get in front of my truck. I'm not stopping to let you attack me.

  26. They need to be stopped at the bridges on 50 and 90.


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