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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

AG Bill Barr Blows a Hole in the Black Lives Matter Narrative with Current Facts and Figures (VIDEO)

Attorney General Bill Barr joined Maria Bartiromo this morning on Sunday Morning Futures.

The two discussed the recent police killings and resulting violent Black Lives Matter protests.

AG Barr weighed in on the rioting and looting across the country in recent weeks.

AG Bill Barr: It’s the job of the Department of Justice to mete out justice fairly and evenhandedly in that particular case and not be influenced by the mob… Protests and demonstrations are fine but when they become mob violence we need to restore public order. We can’t be ruled by mobs. A lot of these demonstrations have been hijacked by anarchistic groups and professional agitators who are in it just for the violence and the confrontation… I understand an event like Minneapolis and how it struck a chord… For the past few decades we’ve been reforming our institutions to make sure they reflect our values. And police have been engaged in that… Instances in the shooting of black unarmed males has been dropping. It was 38 five years ago, last year it was ten. Ten in the nation and six of those were involved in attacking the police officer. So while any death is too many. The fact is that in proportion it’s relatively small. I mean there were roughly 8,000 homicides of African Americans in our country every year. 8,000! Ten last year were shooting (by police) a black male.



  1. Numbers don't matter, truth doesn't matter, feeeelings matter.

  2. Barr is full of crap. One of the big difference makers has been widespread use of body cams on cops. This was an Obama initiative, despite the bold face lie Trump told about "Obama never did anything". And that initiative was pushed because folks were willing to hit the streets to demonstrate. Those bad cops are still out there! Accountability for them only comes by people continuing to hold the powers at be to their responsibility of "Protect and Serve"

    1. 13% of the population. 52% of all crime. Facts don’t care about your feelings.

    2. Dope the fact you repeat this without any understanding of the underlying data shows you sont have the ammo for this debate. Just shooting blanks. Plenty of commentary and studies on that claim. Hit the books them come back

    3. 8:58 Research Candace Owens. She will explain it to you ;)

  3. Barr is nothing but a lawless political hack. He's the Liar in Chief's Liar.

    1. hey 427......
      get off our Blog

    2. 4:27 Fast and Furious.

  4. I don't,know much about this guy, except he gives alot of lip service. Always running his mouth and no action.

  5. Black lives really don't matter 13% of the population probably 50% of them don't work and on government assistance

    1. Corrections officerJune 24, 2020 at 9:47 PM

      and 85% make up the Prison population 544

      blacks account for 80% of the violence today

  6. Democrats are the lawless ones thank God for Barr.

  7. 416 cdc and fbi and death certificates are all lying ? Change my mind.

  8. Barr needs to Kick some ASS 2020 !!!


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