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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Activist critical of police undergoes use of force scenarios


  1. This is a joke, I love how you take someone who has the mentality of war who goes out everyday in street, to someone who never had any training and think you are proving some point, which you are not... Everyone's reaction time is different PERIOD!!!! Add that to someone who is trained versus who is not trained!!! That is like taking a poll of 100 republicans and asking if they hate democrats and then say the poll shows everyone is the US hates hot dogs...

  2. Now for the fun part. We get to tell him how racist he is shooting an unarmed white man. Then we can demand white lives matter. Burn down his church and threaten his family. No let's see how vocal he is for the truth. Probably won't here from him any more because it won't fit the liberal agenda.

  3. Unless you've had some sort of Police training, Civilian or Military, please do yourself a favor and don't blather over what should or should not have been done. Especially when you don't have all of the facts. George Floyd is an exception.

  4. Where is the one where he has to pull over a legally armed non-criminal citizen?

  5. Hmmm, everybody who wants to defund the police should be forced to do this

  6. Thank you for posting this. I strongly believe any “citizen police review board” or similar should undergo such training prior to serving in that capacity.

  7. Excellent video. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to go through the same scenarios.

  8. Rev. Jarret Moffin after the training - "People need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers for their own sake".

    Huh! What an interesting perspective. Think you could pass that along Reverend?


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