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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Absolutely Incredible, This Has To End NOW!


  1. You can feel her pain and anguish. For those that believe, pray. For those that believe differently do whatever it is you do to wish the best for mankind. Let this lady be a example that hardworking people, people that what their kids to grow up and prosper is not limited by the color of their skin. The world as a whole is turned upside down. Do not let the color of ones skin cause you to feel hatred. Each and every person is different. This is nationwide, this is worldwide.

  2. She's just as bad , talking about white people laughing , I think it's funny , what the hell did she think would happen in her hood? She called them animals , she is right so tell her to look in the mirror . Friends of a feather flock together.

  3. For every action theres a reaction. Stop criticizing the reaction. The reaction is what got the cops arrested in the first place. Dad thing is, HE GOT BAIL. How many mirder suspects caught killing on camera get a bail. Its not just blacks doing this. Its mostly whites tearing shit up Because no matter how much racist whites hate Blacks, they love the constitution. And they hate to see "Protest" get corrupted by the government. At the Boston Tea party was the same way. It got the USA "So called" independence. But after 400 years of keeping ya foot on somebody's but bmb is what some of you are use to. Been racist so long you dont even realize what you are, or dont care.

  4. This lady is spot on.

  5. This breaks my heart. God bless

  6. This breaks my heart. God bless

  7. Imagine that all the watermelons are gone

  8. The problem is, these stores will not be reopening in any major urban area anytime soon. So the starving masses (savages) will be coming to a suburban area near you to loot and steal.

    1. You typed urban. Shame shame shame


  9. I feel bad for her. She's right about everything she said except one thing. White people are not laughing. We think it's terrible too.

  10. I saw this weeks ago. Nearly brought me to tears. I hope someone was able to help her.

  11. Sad....but hey fellow Conservitives, lets just continue to NOT stand up to the left. It's much easier to just bitch about it. I urge ALL Americans who believe in our values of freedom, fairness, and helping our neighbors, and those of us that judge a person not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character to PLEASE get involved locally, and to vote!

  12. I...I..I just don't know anymore.


  13. Now you know why Baltimore looks like a bunch of empty crumbling row houses. Following the 1968 riots, all the business owners who previously provided services to the people who drove them out had enough. About the only thing that replaced them were liquor stores. History will repeat itself.

  14. I've never voted straight ticket before. Nor has my home ever been infested with roaches and other vermin that multiply like this.

  15. I don’t think they stole any Father’s Day cards!

  16. This is what we the people that truly care have been saying. You are being USED by the Democratic establishment they are making you look like the dumbass's they believe you are.

  17. Scares the hell out of me. What kind of person would do something like this. No respect. These idiots
    believe free speech means no respect for anyone or anything thing. Where were they raised?

  18. Probably looks like her house in the hood , get used to it this is what the blacks have caused and this is what they get , rock on bro yo mamma taught you right bro . I think this is so funny , shopping from the floor up , were the hell is the water melons isle ? They got the pork rinds too!

  19. Every political science sociology class will teach you that riots and protests are the way under-represented classes of people get justice and reforms, (and attention for their causes). Looting just goes along with their demands when it is all finally out of control. Nothing gets politicians attention more than a good riot with burning and looting. This is learned behavior by the instigators of riots. Locally, doesn't anyone remember H. Rap Brown, and how he convinced the Cambridge MD residents to burn their town down? It will never change and the root causes must be acknowledged, or it just continues to happen. I'm 68 years old and it has been that way all my life. All it takes is a trigger to set it all off again. And the triggers keep coming, closer and closer together.


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