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Thursday, June 18, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Everyone needs a voice

When will the tax payers have a voice on things being done in our city. Why are select things voted on but other stuff being kept hush hush with no discussion. Things are being tore down and/ put up with out tax payers input? Monuments being put up street signs are being renamed, murals are being put up that only reflect 1 race and others reflecting another race are being taken down? This activity is really enraging different groups of people, city wide. It is dividing our city. This town, via the mayor and city officials are catering to only 1 side when they should take every side in consideration. be equal with all side's. we need unity with in every races, gender identities and religions. we need someone making decisions based on ALL our people. we need a neutral party who can see every side not just one. this crap is causing social divide.

My responses from the city fb page was....
"Um. This is America, The taxpayers have a voice every election. They have spoken clearly and in record numbers lately.

This is an administrative function. You’re allowed to disagree with the choices of the administration - but that doesn’t change who gets to make that call. Random referendum aren’t a thing, FYI.

Ok then great and thanks for sharing your opinion. And know this: our administration has the pulse of the city. We are 100% confident in that. Those that seek to divide by promoting hate will not change the progress of our city.


  1. The strange similarities with this article/location to Ocean City is scary.

  2. Once the Left says you're "promoting hate", that's the end of the story as far as they are concerned, as they smugly sit back and marvel at their too often specious accusations. It's always open season on everyone who disagrees.

  3. That is why the vote counts and everyone over legal age has the right to do so. Express your opinions at the ballot box.

  4. Day Glanz and the rest of them are vile individuals. It not about them being "inclusive" and Salisbury being "diverse". It's about them actively causing division. They seek to antagonize. The good thing is they are being revealed for what they are and what their actions truly represent. Gregory was caught red handed lying yesterday when she told April Jackson she "just" found out about Broad street being renamed. Then she lied to Jermichael Mitchell when he suggested it shouldn't be just lgbt flags the city puts up but all cultures should be represents for inclusiveness. He slapped her right down and called her out for being a liar. She hushed herself right up after that.

  5. 8:20. Yes, exactly. The citizens of Salisbury voted for this regime. They are going to have to live with the consequences. Eventually the police will leave, businesses will leave and Salisbury will be run by the same type of losers that are running Seattle and Portland.

  6. "the taxpayers have a choice every election" So by this definition, I shouldn't have to pay taxes, if my candidate doesn't win? Snowflakes are delusional.

  7. In regards to Broad street renaming, the local black community overall is not amused. This was done without any input from any local black leaders or even the black community. It was another case of whites making decisions for blacks. Not valuing their opinion. Most feel Lake street is the only street that should have that name given it's black history.

  8. broad st renaming was done by white wokes without the consent or the opinion of anyone in the black community its only them commenting how great is it on the city's fb page if anyone's noticed and not blacks

    not one of the white wokes had the intelligence or even the common decency to ASK on the city's fb page if the street had the blessing of the black community to be renamed BLm blvd. blacks weren't given the courtesy blacks are not happy. it should be lake st

    it was done with one goal in mind and one goal only to divide the city don't let them succeed call them out

  9. The city isn't wrong, though. That's how democracy works -- people get voted into office, and if the voters don't like what they're doing they can vote them out.

  10. It's all about antagonizing with this city See this white woke outed their motives

    "Eileen Johnson The motivation to put it there might of had to do with who will see it. Who needs to see that black lives matter? I know that the mayor of DC put it en route to the White House for Trump and people in power to see"

    She just outed the reason. No one "needs" to see anything.
    Now everyone tell me who does eileen jonhson think she is. Just who in the hell does she think she is???? She is a white woman telling blacks what the reasoning should be behind their mission???? These people need to stay the hell out of black business when it comes to racial issues People like eileen johnson only make it worse but good in a way because she has just exposed the true meaning behind the woke mission and that is to divide.

  11. The responses to concerned citizens are so immature and rude. It shows the young age and lack of experience. No one should be running an entire tow. When they can't even run a business for profit. These people could not even handle being self employed. They would starve to death.

  12. Because if you have a opinion different than theirs. You are labeled a bigot and a racist...in the end, they will lose...

  13. Peter Franchot is running for the Democratic nomination for Governor. He has moved drastically left to keep up with his party. Jak
    e Day and Rick Meehan are both Peter Franchot Democrats and are counting on their leader for big jobs in Annapolis if elected. So they are playing the pandering game.

  14. Well said 8:20.

    People need to be encouraged to think for themselves. Step back and take a broader look at the politics of the world. Realize that the most powerful corporations in the world, Alphabet, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft are all pushing against free speech. Anything that doesn't fit their agenda is labelled as hate. The oligarchs behind these companies and their puppet politicians thirst for money and power. Their BLM and Rainbow virtue signalling is all about consolidating and increasing that power.

    I couldn't care less about what color you are or who you love. It's none of my business. By the same token, I ask that you just leave me alone. The left has no right to force me to drink their Kool Aid.

    African Americans, wake up!

    Gays, wake up!

    Woke White Liberals, wake up!

    The virtue signalling corporations and politicians pander to you because it is in THEIR best interests not yours. They are disingenuous. They don't care about you. You are pawns to be played and sacrificed in their quest for power. They will turn on you you in a split second once you are no longer of any use to them in achieving their end.

    1. The term useful idiots is fitting

  15. Since the voters stuck Salisbury with this immature child, then the only current recourse is to move out of the city and to take your business elsewhere. If you own a business, move it. Shop elsewhere or even more online. You Salisbury voters had a opportunity to elect an adult, but instead you chose a joke who wife chooses even younger boys.

  16. Voters cannot vote them out because they cheat at every damn thing they do, that's why they are there.

  17. Telling everyone I can to stay out of Salisbury. Salisbury University is not going to be a safe place for students.

  18. What is done in the darkness always comes to light and what Day and Glanz and the rest of the white wokes have done is now SEEING the light of day. Local blacks are waking up to their divisive tactics. From commenting racist things on these sites to try to antagonize with things like taking it upon themselves to decide which street should be renamed without any opinions from the local black community.

  19. The tax payer will only have a voice if they get involved! How many tax payers actually attend city and county meetings, and voice their concerns? How many of you really, follow up on what what our representatives say their gonna vs what they actually do? How many of you don't just vote, but actually join your local voter groups? I could go on, but i think ya get my point.....Answer: not many! WE will never have a voice, if we continue to just check a box on ballots, and think we've been heard! WE have to "Be the Change".....Have a great day ya'll!

  20. 10:41 has the plan shut down move out. My house is on the market..get out now before its too late. Md will go further libtared bet on it..they are so far up marxist progressive arse they see no light

  21. Talk about spending tax dollars, take a drive down Broad Street today. Right by the playground painted on the sidewalk in huge rainbow colored letters is " Black Lives Matter." Your city taxpayers dollars at work.

  22. they live in an echo chamber and think the y have the pulse of the community. What delusion.


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