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Friday, June 19, 2020

A vast left-wing conspiracy suppressing conservative voices includes Google, NBC, and a shadowy foreign group

Remember when the progressive media feigned concern over foreign influence on our elections? Now, just months before a critical election, they are conspiring with foreign groups to destroy conservative publications, with the assistance of Google, the most powerful information provider in the history of the world.

This tweet from the head of the foreign group shows the mentality at work:



  1. Remember when you say those names, you should mean their corporate owners" Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, etc. And why are they bent on destroying this country? And why are so many "Republican" politicians just as bad?

  2. Like to see an investigation into banks only lending to liberal leaning businesses making them rich so they can give back to liberal causes.99% of the super rich are liberal democrats.

  3. Ok - we all can see whats coming and what should be the ending outcome after the Nov elections.


    - if its close then we will not know who won for days, maybe weeks, maybe months. (Lather/Rinse/Repeat from other elections)

    - there will probably be election ballot/booth problems in many states (GA, FLA, VA, MN, IN) just like the past (Lather/Rinse/Repeat)

    - could be a health scare which would halt elections for a time being. That could be then be contested by either side in the courts after elections transpire.

    - after elections are complete either party would contest in court of mis-doing.

    - ALL networks (cable and major) will have a field day with all news regarding the elections.

    - conspiracy theories for years, decades ahead.

    THIS is what our Nation has become in the 21st Century.

    We think OC has self identifying/political/social economic issues - SHEESH!

  4. No. Not hearing this. Not here. Not when posts can be censored simply because they buck the narrative or counter the positions being made.

    As long as THIS site censors, any posts of this kind are shenanigans.


  5. As noted above, NBC is owned by Comcast. Are you subsidizing your enemy each month?

    Disney and ABC, same thing.

  6. The major stock holders are elitists.
    They believe their race is superior to all other races. They are destined to rule over the rest of us.


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