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Saturday, June 27, 2020

72 N.J. police departments must name cops disciplined over past 20 years, prosecutor says

Bergen County’s top law enforcement official on Tuesday said all police departments in the county will be required to publicly disclose the names of officers who committed serious disciplinary violations in the past 20 years.

Prosecutor Mark Musella issued a directive mandating the disclosure, which covers 72 departments ranging from municipal police to county agencies. The prosecutor’s order came amid a national outcry over racism and police brutality, and days after New Jersey’s attorney general issued a similar mandate that law enforcement must disclose the names of disciplined members.



  1. Will this crap open it up so any seeking information call any employer and ask for a employees record? First thing you know medical (confidentiality) will be gone. I don’t give a chit myself, but I do care that the country we were born and raised in is changing on all fronts and fast. Sad chit.

  2. This is exactly what the former State's Attorney for Dorchester County will do when she runs for her old job.

  3. Heck, why not 50 years?!

  4. Next up - taking away our Liquor!

    Whoa, can't believe I typed that. I must now go sit in a corner and reflect on my unexpected outburst!

    With bourbon in hand!

    (snicker snicker)

  5. There are bad cops. However, they are an extremely small percentage. The police unions make it very hard to get rid of them.


  6. Guess it will be on the same list as complaints against attorneys. If a complaint has been lodged, no matter the disposition. Goose meet gander.

  7. Hey, corrupt cops should be called out, thats what started this whole bullshit...a cocky cop! BUT...we must stand behind, and support ALL the good cops. In addition, we should use these EXACT tactics on POLITICIANS that have used taxpayer dollars to pay "Hush" money to quiet sexual assault charges, or are connected to foriegn companys and governments, etc and TEACHERS who have been found guilty of sexual abuse, and COLLEGE PROFESSOR that are "known" to corrupt the young minds of college students. I could go on, but my point is WHY are only cops held accountable?? Hmmm....

  8. Bergen County? That's gonna be one very long list.

  9. All complaints are part of personal file even if to be unfounded. No matter how ridiculous and absurd it’s part of your file... meanwhile 250-300k medical malpractice deaths per year. Crickets. And when is that Muhammad statue coming down? No mention of that from antivia or blm aka blame. Why? Ohh maybe because that won’t be tolerated.

  10. The same rule should be made for our elected officials who have been found guilty of sexual assaults but by rules of their own making are kept secret. And they don't pay the financial settlement. A 'special fund' of taxpayer money pays those who have been violated and assaulted by our wonderful elected officials.

  11. I think its a good idea if their past is clean, whats to worry about, maby the Cops asked to leave an go elsewere might not like it. It was said the BAD make it hard everyone else. They should not be aloud to be a Police Officer. They cover for each outher Till something bad happens.

  12. This will be challenged in a court of law. Use HIPPA law for an example here. Invasion of Privacy law will have to take effect. Confidentiality has to be exercised with employers or they and the state will be paying out.


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