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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

4M Unique Viewers watch President Trump's Tulsa Rally

That’s more than the population of Oklahoma.

More than four million people across the country and the world watched President Donald Trump’s ‘MAGA’ rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday, a considerable audience for the President’s first major political rally in the aftermath of the coronavirus epidemic.

Tim Murtaugh, Trump 2020 communications direction, shared the campaign’s estimate of digital viewing of the rally in a press release. The campaign’s viewing statistics don’t even include audiences that watched the rally on television.

“President Trump’s rally in Tulsa attracted over 4 million unique viewers across all of the campaign’s digital media channels. The live-streamed pre-rally shows drew an audience of more than 2.5 million unique viewers by themselves. These numbers don’t even include television viewers. The news media, which encouraged protestors and bombarded Americans for more than a week with dire warnings against attending a Trump rally, are still unable to prevent President Trump from reaching the people. These numbers represent unmatched enthusiasm behind the President’s re-election and a massive audience that Joe Biden can only dream of.”



  1. Trump will lose badly in November. Unless Biden totally screws up the debates.
    Otherwise Biden doesn't have to leave home.
    Trump self destructed.

    1. Biden screws up everytime he opens that mouth. Get off the crack pipe 10:43, it's destroying your thinking process.

    2. You would be a good stand up comedian. Very stuff there. lol. Trump/ Pence 2020

  2. Crappy part is CNN/MSNBC is no longer showing OUR President.

    FOXNEWS, OAN and CSPAN cable networks show him.

    Shame how things have become and the hatred for ratings.

    Butt hurt feelings from CNN/MSNBC since he calls them out.

  3. If he doesn't win then we're all doomed

  4. TRUMP 2020 MAGA/KAG

  5. 'Unique' viewers...hmmmmm. perhaps they are really Patriots. BAM!!!

  6. Trump's got my vote in 2024


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