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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

‘You want to regulate common sense’: Crowds, lack of masks at Ocean City, other destinations prompt concern

The photos from Ocean City this weekend have been jarring to many.

Throngs of beachgoers crowded the city’s iconic boardwalk. Few wore masks. Many appeared to be standing closer than the recommended 6 feet apart.

Lauri Dixon was there.

“What I was surprised at was the amount of people that weren’t wearing their masks or weren’t social distancing,” said Dixon, an Edgewater resident who has owned a condominium in Ocean City for the past decade with her husband, Leroy. “They congregated without masks. I was surprised to see that many people. I understand people wanting to get out. But they need to do physical distancing and wear their masks.”

As Maryland and other states take continued steps toward reopening, the realities of how that is playing out on beaches, boardwalks and other tourist destinations is prompting concern among some residents and public health officials. From Ocean City to Florida to the Ozarks to Delaware, the first Memorial Day in a COVID-19 era played out differently in different jurisdictions.

For Dixon, the self-proclaimed beach lover’s usual euphoria turned to moments of anxiety this weekend by the sea of beachgoers crowding the boardwalk of Ocean City sans protective measures during this global pandemic.



  1. Solution don’t look and enjoy your condo. Most people are unemployed so be happy your able to have two homes and a car to travel.

  2. Well, collectively, people are oblivious. The mere concept of situational awareness is lost on them. Think back several days to the behavior we have seen in the local super markets. In a panic, the general population will disregard common sense and cling to “mine” mentality. No different on the boardwalk - shame to see this.

  3. I just road in on a flight from Charlotte to Salisbury and did not wear a mask its all BS

  4. The virus was over and in its peak hospitals were never over run. Remember the crying nurses saying not enough ventilators and people will be having to make a choice? Remember the floating hospitals and massive tents? Yup never used. Cuomo sent sick covid people to nursing homes. His choice killed thousands.

  5. Your actions protect you. Just realize that we are being conditioned to believe your freedom is selfish.

  6. It truly shows what the doomsday reporting has done to America. Sunshine and fresh air kill the virus immediately. Simple fact. I feel sorry for all of us as a country.

  7. You just can't fix stupid. Sadly we can't fix it, we can only avoid it.

  8. I live in OC year round. I was in the boardwalk on Monday Memorial Day. It wasn't as crowded as the zoom pictures made it look like. Some people wore masks. I however only wear a mask to go in stores because it is required. When outside you don't need to wear a mask. You need to get the fresh air. Also i see stupid people driving in cars alone wearing masks. What are you stuck on stupid. It your car, you are alone. I also believe the masks even in stores are not helpful. The material mask most people are wearing are only keeping out 2 per cent of the droplets or germs. It is a feel good thing. To make you think you are safer. This whole lock down is a political ploy. All unnecessary. We have survived many pandemics similar to this one in our history. And never have we wore mask, social distanced, or shut down the country. The difference is the media has brainwashed everyone by scaring you 24/7 for over 3 months. In the past they had more real news to report. This whole lockdown was not needed. Look at Korea during all of this. All political on the part of China and the Democrats to destroy Trump.

  9. Absolutely people are being brainwashed and falling for if you don't wear a mask you are selfish. Then the mask virtue signalers are walking around at home in a closed confined space. that is where the spread happens with very few exceptions.
    So they want to tell others what to do while they are putting their own family members in danger because you can bet they aren't masked 24/7 It's the democrat mentality. Telling others what they should be doing but in the meantime not giving a rat's a$$ about their own family and children and are forever putting their own in danger not only health wise but their children's whole future in danger

  10. Lauri Dixon, just who in the hell made you so special to think that what you say matters?

  11. 8:56 She's a lonely old miserable woman who hasn't a life and saw her chance to show off and call attention to herself. The closet virtue signaler finally saw her "chance to shine." What really happened though was she's proved to all that she is a raving mental case who is extremely paranoid and needs to be locked up for life in a mental institution because she is a clear danger to others with that paranoia she has going on. I just hope she didn't multiply. mental illness runs in families.

  12. Laura Dixon why are you criticizing other people. It appears you are violating Adolph Hogan's "stay at home order", since OC is not your Permanente residence. What a hypocrite.

  13. I agree, masks are not necessary outside and do little to protect you even inside.

  14. 1053 - not necessary??

    I beg to differ since having a fugly's face 2/3rds covered by a mask indeed will protect my eyesight!!!!



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