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Friday, May 08, 2020

Yale Scientist: Re-opening America Is ‘Awfully Close to Genocide’

A Yale University scientist argued in a social media post published on Wednesday that the United States government’s plan to re-open American after the Chinese virus pandemic amounts to “genocide” of “African-Americans, Latinos, other people of color.”

Yale epidemiologist Gregg Gonsalves criticized the U.S. government’s response to the Chinese virus pandemic and its plan to reopen the country in a tweet that was published on Wednesday, suggesting that it would be “genocide by default” to lift “shelter-in-place” restrictions. Gonsalves also suggested that the government’s response would disproportionately impact “people of color.”

“How many people will die this summer, before Election Day? What proportion of the deaths will be among African-Americans, Latinos, other people of color?” Gonsalves wrote in the tweet. “This is getting awfully close to genocide by default. What else do you call mass death by public policy?”



  1. Wrong opening america back up is genocide to this libetal cause beingillegally imposed and tested on the american populace. Your experiment is an Utter a failure now go back to youe stupid books leave reality to us.

  2. Why is the US the only country he criticized the response to the Chinese virus? Aren't other countries opening up now, too?

  3. White people too.

  4. @2:06 - Can you English, please?

  5. Tell those that feel we are endangering them to STAY HOME!

  6. Tell that to Maryland & Feds !!!

  7. 206 Joe Biden is that you homie ?

  8. Cancel his salary until classes go back to normal.

  9. SO tired of the garbage there ultra liberals spew.

  10. Yale university?? Seems as though Azar and his fellow Ivy league boys aren't ready to relinquish the pharmaceutical stranglehold created by this virus. Still way too much money to steal from this crisis

  11. He may have said more than he was supposed to say. It would in fact be genocide if the US Military released the virus on us again. And probably result in a war

  12. Not all that bad really, it is killing huge amounts of Democrats, (poor, Blacks, Latinos)and not doing so much on Republicans. Republicans are smarter and are self quarantining, and when sick go to the doctor. This is really a blessing killing off the idiots who would vote for the Pervert Biden.


  13. If he's such an all-knowing genius, why didn't he tip us off at or prior to the beginning of the pandemic?

    OTOH, he's welcome to hunker in his bunker as long as he wishes, and none of us will be demanding to see him out in public. He and his volleyball can endless loop Tom Hanks films.

    Fly in the ointment is that non-Yale faculty will have to head to actual work each day to continue to produce and deliver the necessities and luxuries he's entitled to in his ivory tower academic perch. They are men and women of all ages and races. But since his head is buried where the sun don't shine, this little detail escaped him. But he'll possibly emerge as a polyp expert. Jerk!

  14. "Anonymous said...
    @2:06 - Can you English, please?

    May 8, 2020 at 2:35 PM"

    They were speaking in English. If that comment gives you difficulties then maybe it it you who has issues with English. It is not one bit hard to understand.

  15. Some cell phone data was analyzed awhile back in some areas. The results showed that minority neighborhoods were not following the stay at home, social distancing guidelines. The rest of the country can not stay caged up because some who have always shown little respect towards authority and others aren't paying attention. This is why people like this clown are to be ignored and dismissed. They are not honest people and don't tell the full story.

  16. I am optimistic that lots of Trump voters will fall to their stupidity this summer, too.


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