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Friday, May 15, 2020

Wisconsin bars packed with patrons almost immediately after court strikes down stay-at-home order

Almost immediately after the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down Governor Tony Evers' stay-at-home order on Wednesday, bars in the state opened their doors — and patrons did not hold back. Video from one packed bar in Platteville has gone viral online.

The video from Nick's Bar shows patrons packed together, dancing and banging on the bar top. The video received nearly 60,000 views on Twitter before the tweet was deleted. And Nick's is not the only Wisconsin establishment to receive a flood of visitors.

CBS Milwaukee affiliate WDJT-TV was at Buzzard's Nest in West Allis, which was filled with people who were eager to get out of the house after more than a month of isolation.



  1. Lawyers are just chompin at the upcoming chances!

    Don't think otherwise.

    1. Lawyers will be coming up empty handed, as it should be 1216

  2. Thanks to all those German Americans who brought their brewing skills with them from the old country to Wisconsin in the early 1800s.

  3. Drinks aren't on me, but I'll be there anyways. Wisconsin is full of drunkards & whores. Passed through there after Nam.

    1. Wow!

      How many people do you know from Wisconsin? I’m surprised by your statement.

    2. That was 50 years ago

  4. Good on you Wisconsin.

  5. Things have changed there in over 45 years....yes they have.

  6. This whu hoo pandemic being overblown by the dumbocrat media is yet another attempt at Trump that is backfiring big time.

    As soon as these tyrannical unconstitutional lock downs are lifted this economy will be going into overdrive. Right about election time.

  7. 233. Regardless of politics...in a matter of months WE are already 4 TRILLION more in the hole...possibly about 3-4 TRILLION in another month or so. Those bills were approved by Congress and the President.

    So after WOO HOO is gone, the bill will be do many will be unemployed again and no body will care whether restaurants are open or not.

    Just wait.

  8. 2:33- From your lips to God's ear!!!


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