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Friday, May 29, 2020

Wicomico Eyes Second Amendment Sanctuary Status

SALISBURY – An effort to declare Wicomico County a Second Amendment sanctuary county moved forward last week with an open work session to discuss a proposed resolution.

In a work session last week, the Wicomico County Council met with Sheriff Mike Lewis to discuss a proposed resolution declaring Wicomico a Second Amendment sanctuary county, or a county that prohibits or impedes the enforcement of gun control measures viewed as a violation of the Second Amendment.

“Let’s pass this Second Amendment resolution,” Lewis said. “Let’s let our constituents know that while we recognize such passage is largely ceremonial, largely symbolic, we also want to send a strong message to Annapolis, to the state of Maryland, and to our nation that we stand with our people, we stand with our communities and we stand firmly on the rule of law.”



  1. HASTINGS .. "Major changes" in it ? 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

  2. This needs to be passed by our County Council...It's NOT a law, but makes a strong statement regarding our counties beliefs...

    1. Look around!! Wicomico counties once beautiful family oriented, home ownership "beliefs" are gone. Your greedy, power whores in both county and city government have run the city/county in the ground

  3. Please let us know when the next meeting is with the sheriff so we can go in support.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️

    2. Love Living on the ShoreMay 29, 2020 at 2:38 PM

      They have a group on Facebook

      should you consider getting information

      thought I'd pass this along

  4. yeah go ahead make Wicomico a sanctuary county. Gotta keep them wages low and the people in chains. That's all a sanctuary area accomplishes. Too many butts for too few seats allows employers to pay low wages. When employers have to compete for employees wages rise.

    1. Wake up 1:24, it's not about a sanctuary for illegals.

  5. " Anonymous said...
    This needs to be passed by our County Council...It's NOT a law, but makes a strong statement regarding our counties beliefs...

    May 29, 2020 at 12:48 PM"

    I agree! In need them to clean my house for %5/hr. My house is over 5000 sq ft so I don't want to pay anyone a lot of money to clean it. i am particular so no mops for me. It's on hands and knees scrubbing the floor by hand. Same with someone to wash my windows and clean my chandlers I like those done alone with my silver polished no less then every other week. And I have over 400 acres needing tending to full time. I don't want to pay anyone a lot of money to do that either. I would love illegals. They work for cheap. Keeps me rich.

    1. You too 12:48? You don't even have a clue what the article is about. SMH

  6. Hastings, however, suggested the entire council would likely support the resolution if it had major revisions.
    “There’s a lot more that we can say, and say it much clearer, than what is very poorly written in this document here,” he said.

    How about “Shall not be infringed”, is that clear enough? The problem is that the avenues of recourse are staffed by the same people who want to put forth unconstitutional legislation in the first place. And even if a case does make it to the Supreme Court, they’ll refuse to hear it. I don’t know if anyone else watched the videos coming out of Minneapolis last night, but watching every police officer gather their things and abandon an entire station en masses gave me chills. There is no calling 911 in that situation, 911 just left. They gathered their stuff, and left. Gone. Ya on ya own. Baltimore has burned, Cambridge has burned, Salisbury isn’t looking too harmonious (looking at you, SU fake crime), and we’re going to leave ourselves wide open to having corruption in Baltimore and Annapolis henpeck away a clearly stated constitutional right? No. Sanctuary now. Uphold our rights, now.

  7. Thank You Sheriff Lewis and Council Members for supporting The Constitution of the United States.

    As for the 3 communist that sit on the Council, you should be ashamed and afraid to walk the streets.

    1. There day is coming when the civil war breaks out.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Please let us know when the next meeting is with the sheriff so we can go in support.

    May 29, 2020 at 12:53 PM

    What meeting with the Sheriff?

    1. County council meeting he goes to ✔️

  9. 1:24 your thinking illegals sanctuary city this is for your right to bear arms.

  10. 124pm and 132pm....flunkies, didnt read past the headline {thanks education system, youve destroyed the country by dumbing down every child you could, thats child abuse]

    This is about Sanctuary for the Constitution, the 2nd amendment in particular. And council members that dont support the Constitution have VIOLATED their Oath of Office and should be removed IMMEDIATELY.
    Can you believe the audacity? 3 county council members want to rewrite the Constitution. Now is where residents of your districts are meeting to start the proceedings to take your commie asses down. Traitors.

  11. Hey Bill McCain 🖕🖕!!

  12. Hastings you sir are a RAT POS.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️
      When the civil war starts on Dems it won't be good for them especially "Public Official" tick tock.

  13. Northwest Woodsman : In case you have not noticed, it looks like Civil War II has already begun. It is likely that the rioting in the major Pedomarxist democrat cities will push their Marxist agenda as far and as fast as they can, using the death of an “unarmed” black as the catalyst. My hope is that honest, decent, patriotic citizens will eventually come to the realization that continual pandering and giving in to black demands is not a viable way to end racial issues in this country. I recently had to certify that I had completed reading my annual security briefing which identifies threats as those from foreign intelligence, organized crime, domestic terrorists, foreign terrorists, right wing radicals, and left wing radicals. Suppose we can now add black organizations and their supporters. I often wonder what it would be like to be able to walk around without a bullseye in the middle of your back.


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