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Sunday, May 03, 2020



  1. If true, this is disgusting and repulsive behavior at Salisbury Best Buy. There should be a complete firing of all involved and never rehire anyone who is involved. Hope the teenage gets a big reward by the jury.

    1. They are pretty weird in there. I left this best buy after going to management about a department lead making passes at me, because I had no physical proof of her verbally sexually harassing me, "nothing could be done, they couldnt see her doing that because she was hand picked" as well as a full timer in the department to secure his position said hes never had any issue out of her. Then later i decided to return as a seasonal I was denied because the department leader I had issues with was acting floor management so Hiring me back wouldnt be a good Idea.

  2. If everything she said is true, I hope it costs every last one of them everything they have. Disgusting. It really is scary having to deal with those above you harassing you and feeling like there's nowhere safe to turn. Anyone in Wicomico County who has worked under a certain Vice Principal knows exactly what I'm talking about.

  3. It should be an interesting jury trial, if it gets that far. Most likely it'll be settled out of court for low six figures and the Salisbury Best Buy staff will be purged of predators, with those staff remaining given some additional training.
    Not so with the John Does. Those people don't have deep pockets and can be prosecuted separate from Best Buy, not that it will mean $$ damages.

  4. What a bunch of perverts. That poor girl.

  5. Not saying she is wrong for doing this...but why wouldn't she have quit long before this? If she told any family or friends about any of this they would have told her to quit as well. Its not a career dream job, its Best Buy.

    I do hope she receive justice for this also.

  6. If my daughter came to me with that story I would’ve gone to the store beat each of these individuals within an inch of their lives

  7. I haven't been in there in a few years, but "creepy" could be applied to about 75% of their employees!

  8. Interesting names...not surprised.

  9. If true, and don't doubt her, she deserves more than she is asking. When you are that young you don't know what to do. She probably felt she could make a career there only to have those dreams dashed by these people. I pray she can get over it and move on with her life.

  10. What an awful situation for this young lady. Unfortunately, I'm sure she isn't the only one who went through this.
    Best Buy District Managers and higher up need to be confronted. I would suggest anyone who was a customer of Best Buy, contact and inform them that you will no longer shop there as long as (one) the store manager is still employed and (two) that the store makes a public apology and commits to formal training for the remaining employees and (three) they don't settle with this young lady.

    1. Hilarious. You are making a lot of assumptions. This girl is lying about so much. Her story has changed!

  11. I won’t shop there again !

  12. Just look at the people involved, the zoo is run better.

  13. When I worked at Gander Mtn. we used to hookup in the breakroom, big deal. One of the female "Bosses" encouraged the boys working under her to get on top of her for better working hours. This is what was required during this last depression. You do what is needed to keep your job.

    1. Was she good looking?

    2. Doesnt really matter....gotta put food on the table.

    3. “You do what is needed...”
      No you don’t! You report these perverts and then sue. Sometimes you do the right thing so other people don’t have to endure the same. Jeez! Stand up for yourself. You are worth more than that.

  14. No person should be subjected to such workplace abuse.
    Remember to document the names, conversation, time, date, exact location and anyone in the immediate area.
    Document, document, document....no detail it too trivial...

  15. Ha! Unless you worked at Zia's you have no idea what "friends with benefits" really means.

  16. This should be about more than just monetary damages, if all this is true, all those involved should get some jail time. This is sick and disgusting. What a pathetic lost world when people can't even feel safe (and respected) at their place of work.

  17. As I see a lot in the comments is "if this is true," I would ask the question is this really going on? If so, that's absolutely terrible and monstrous and no one should be subject to that. However, currently, these are allegations on one side of the parties involved. Many cases like this end up where the one party who speaks first recurves the benefit of the doubt in public opinion as the public is not yet aware of the whole story. And unfortunately, even if it resolves in court and all these allegations are proven untrue, the damage is already done in an age of social media. In summation I'd just say, take these allegations with a grain of skepticism for now. If and when it reaches the courts that's when we can call judgement on the guilty party or parties. And, if anyone is going through anything like this, do know that there is always help available. Friends, family, and social services are ready and willing to help. You're not alone.

    1. Very well said. Allegations. No one was arrested because no one has been proven guilty of anything. Including the girl being found guilty for falsifying documents.

    2. 5:13 for some one that is questioning "if this happened", you sure are using the word "if" many times in your analysis.

  18. May 1, 2020 at 2:07 PM
    I would love to agree to this. But since everyone in town did not support the local places where else can we go? The sucked even before this incident became known.

  19. My crap meter is going off. Almost 2 years passed and an attorney from across the bridge---something is off here. If it was really this serious, why was it not filed right away? All of sudden 20 months have passed and there is a problem?

  20. We did it in the 80s at Kmart. Great times, nothing creepy.

    Different times indeed

  21. Northwest Woodsman: Just me thinking bad thoughts again but I seriously think that the persons responsible for this harassment were members of my favorite group, the Scandinavians. Anyone have a line on that possibility?

  22. This girl is as truthful as Hillary Clinton.

  23. I experienced sexual harassment at a workplace locally at a young similar to this girl but I quit within a week because of it, When I contacted an attorney I was counseled that since I did not contact corporate HR and give them a chance to rectify the problem before quitting I had no case.

    I do not see a mention here of her ever contacting Best Buy corporate so while it is unfortunate that she dealt with these issues I doubt she has a case.

  24. She is cute. If it was my daughter I would hunt those Yo's down and they wouldn't have to worry about a lawsuit any longer.

  25. I will never be shopping at that $hithole again and I challenge all citizens to stop shopping at that $hithole!

  26. Anonymous said...
    If true, this is disgusting and repulsive behavior at Salisbury Best Buy. There should be a complete firing of all involved and never rehire anyone who is involved. Hope the teenage gets a big reward by the jury.

    May 1, 2020 at 12:41 PM

    I agree with you. Every name mentioned and management should be in the unemployment line.

  27. Anonymous said...
    I experienced sexual harassment at a workplace locally at a young similar to this girl but I quit within a week because of it, When I contacted an attorney I was counseled that since I did not contact corporate HR and give them a chance to rectify the problem before quitting I had no case.

    I do not see a mention here of her ever contacting Best Buy corporate so while it is unfortunate that she dealt with these issues I doubt she has a case.

    May 2, 2020 at 8:14 PM

    You should have found another attorney, Dumb A$$!

  28. Anonymous said...
    If everything she said is true, I hope it costs every last one of them everything they have. Disgusting. It really is scary having to deal with those above you harassing you and feeling like there's nowhere safe to turn. Anyone in Wicomico County who has worked under a certain Vice Principal knows exactly what I'm talking about.

    May 1, 2020 at 12:41 PM

    "Anyone in Wicomico County who has worked under a certain Vice Principal knows exactly what I'm talking about."

    So WTF is up with the subtle hint "a certain Vice Principal?" Are you really that stupid? You do know you posted as "Anonymous?" Dumb moron, I have a feeling you had an affair with "a certain Vice Principal."

  29. Anonymous said...
    It should be an interesting jury trial, if it gets that far. Most likely it'll be settled out of court for low six figures and the Salisbury Best Buy staff will be purged of predators, with those staff remaining given some additional training.
    Not so with the John Does. Those people don't have deep pockets and can be prosecuted separate from Best Buy, not that it will mean $$ damages.

    May 1, 2020 at 12:57 PM

    An armchair quarterback attorney without a license.

  30. This is disgusting and I will never be shopping at Best Buy again.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Just look at the people involved, the zoo is run better.

    May 1, 2020 at 3:24 PM

    I hope you don't mean the Salisbury Zoo??

  32. Anonymous said...
    When I worked at Gander Mtn. we used to hookup in the breakroom, big deal. One of the female "Bosses" encouraged the boys working under her to get on top of her for better working hours. This is what was required during this last depression. You do what is needed to keep your job.

    May 1, 2020 at 3:24 PM

    You forgot to leave your name, Coward.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Was she good looking?

    May 1, 2020 at 3:51 PM

    Yes, what's your point?

  34. Anonymous said...
    This should be about more than just monetary damages, if all this is true, all those involved should get some jail time. This is sick and disgusting. What a pathetic lost world when people can't even feel safe (and respected) at their place of work.

    May 1, 2020 at 4:07 PM

    I agree, touching her is battery and it is a criminal offense.

  35. Anonymous said...
    May 1, 2020 at 2:07 PM
    I would love to agree to this. But since everyone in town did not support the local places where else can we go? The sucked even before this incident became known.

    May 1, 2020 at 5:16 PM

    Huh?? WTF are you talking about?

  36. Rich Hoch said...
    What an awful situation for this young lady. Unfortunately, I'm sure she isn't the only one who went through this.
    Best Buy District Managers and higher up need to be confronted. I would suggest anyone who was a customer of Best Buy, contact and inform them that you will no longer shop there as long as (one) the store manager is still employed and (two) that the store makes a public apology and commits to formal training for the remaining employees and (three) they don't settle with this young lady.

    May 1, 2020 at 2:07 PM

    "...and (three) they don't settle with this young lady."

    So you are suggesting that Best Buy doesn't settle with this girl and that an apology is sufficient? What a F'n idiot. If I knew who you were I would hunt you down and beat your a$$ for her.

  37. Brian Dayton said...
    My crap meter is going off. Almost 2 years passed and an attorney from across the bridge---something is off here. If it was really this serious, why was it not filed right away? All of sudden 20 months have passed and there is a problem?

    May 1, 2020 at 8:18 PM

    Apparently you don't know the law, Brian Douchebag! They have 24 months to file a claim. Get over yourself, Homo!

  38. Anonymous said...
    Hilarious. You are making a lot of assumptions. This girl is lying about so much. Her story has changed!

    May 1, 2020 at 8:41 PM

    Hilarious. You are sounding as stupid as you look. Hope this girl cleans your clock.

  39. Anonymous said...
    We did it in the 80s at Kmart. Great times, nothing creepy.

    Different times indeed

    May 1, 2020 at 8:56 PM

    Kmart? Enough said....

  40. Anonymous said...
    Northwest Woodsman: Just me thinking bad thoughts again but I seriously think that the persons responsible for this harassment were members of my favorite group, the Scandinavians. Anyone have a line on that possibility?

    May 1, 2020 at 9:03 PM

    What is a "Scandinavian?" They were porch monkeys.

  41. Anonymous said...
    This girl is as truthful as Hillary Clinton.

    May 2, 2020 at 1:09 AM

    Your momma is as ugly as Hillary Clinton.

  42. There’s one reason this girl is “demanding” a jury trial. Boo Hoo on a stand tel your lies and hope someone believes you. The fact that everyone she’s called out ha a different story or a non existent story is very telling. I hope everyone of the people she calls. Voluntarily testified against her.

  43. I visited Best Buy in September and was shocked at the demeanor of its employees. In the mobile department, it was clear that the tattooed up employees of all genders(way more than 2) were running the show. No professionalism at all.
    The interaction left me feeling dirty to be from USA.

  44. @May 3, 2020 at 4:17 PM. The City of Salisbury government is a zoo. Crooked goings on and no one does anything about it. They call it, politics. That's what one supervisor told another at the garage when he was questioned about questionable practices going on in the city. Like favors being done for friends of high ups and their family members,. Not to mention certain big business's here in Salisbury. Favors done with city employees and city material on city time. He told HIS supervisor about it and his supervisor told him, "It's all politics. Now keep your mouth shut."

  45. @ May 4, 2020 at 8:16 AM . "“You do what is needed...”
    No you don’t! You report these perverts and then sue. Sometimes you do the right thing so other people don’t have to endure the same. Jeez! Stand up for yourself. You are worth more than that."
    That's what's wrong with this country. Not enough people standing up for what is right and blowing the whistle on these a-holes. If ALL employees blew the whistle, such as this would not go on. Especially in the government.

  46. for anonymous on June 15, 2020, why didn't you file a complaint with the eeoc? and you could reach out to the plaintiff and tell her, it might help her.

  47. This case was closed on 7/13. Does anyone know why?

  48. It is now in federal court


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