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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Update On Governor Hogan Road Map To Recovery

We are down slightly in numbers, said Hogan. If numbers continue as they are currently we will be ready to reopen Maryland into phase 1 next week. 

Effective at 7 am tomorrow, golf, tennis. boating and camping will open.

Here's the problem Folks. Everything he stated was all based on IF we continue to follow the guidelines we can remain open.


  1. He dropped his true motivation today. Just like the rest of the liberal Democratic states their begging for money to give free handouts and cover up years of theft and deception

  2. So, if the next week holds good numbers, do we open next week, or does another window start?

  3. Where will people poop and pee?

    1. Please, for all our sakes, continue to utilize your home or a proper public restroom facility.

      Thank you sincerely

    2. If EVERYBODY pees in the city hall bathrooms, on betting ALL the public rooms will open teal quick!

  4. "Here's the problem Folks. Everything he stated was all based on IF we continue to follow the guidelines we can remain open."

    Here's MY problem.

    I am sick and tired of being treated like a F***king CHILD. Get the hell out of my life all of you wanna be Nazi's!

  5. Their (media) are on his fat butt about Meehans decision, lol

  6. He'll stay open. Funny how all the things planned to be allowed are done by wealthy people. Who controls politicians? Wealthy people do! That's why Ocean City is getting things rolling. The wealthy business owners with the clout have spoken.

  7. The things that will open tomorrow should never have been closed!

  8. So let’s savor these incremental increases in our freedoms AND continue to follow the guidelines so we can enjoy even greater freedoms safely in the coming months.

  9. Just in
    Dorchester school's out till September.

  10. He is so good. So good at being awful. Ole' Lockdown Larry.

  11. And there it is. Just in time for Memorial Day weekend. Start ordering supplies OC businesses - let it flow!

    Oh wait...need a plan first!

    - restaurants
    - hotels (rooms, pools, etc)
    - businesses

    So funny....really NOT!

  12. Same ole, same ole. Open the dam thing up Rino!

  13. When are the tests from shorebird stadium due back?

    1. 82 thousand people showed and I got a lot of out of state tags. I sent the Pictures to fbi.

    2. Got mine yesterday. Negative. They said 5 - 7 days when they were doing them.

  14. Assateague state park?????

  15. Nothing matters other than, if you are not happy with the current governance, PLEASE during the next election (but be careful what the candidate pushes).

  16. his 'road map to recovery' is a joke.

    1. Only thing his road map goes to is mickey d's

  17. Great news 5:10

  18. Notice it's only demoncrat run states that are holding people hostage, as well as your token RINOS with TDS.

  19. 510 could be defective and have you been around anyone since ? Mask only stop 2 percent

  20. Outer banks just announced they are opening to visitors May 16th. This includes rentals.

  21. All of these Tax money hungry Governors are going to have a lot of Blood on their hands!

  22. The numbers he speaks of (lies) are not Covid-19 but dwindling dough to him from all the special interests. What a rat.

  23. When this whole lock down nonsense started I told my wife " calm down everything will be open again by memorial day". There`s too much money involved for the politicians to even try to keep shit locked down for memorial day and the entire summer. There are too many mega corporations,hotels, restaurants etc that depend on tourist season, and the money they make from tourist,to keep these mega corporations in profits. There isn`t a politician alive that is going to give up all those bribes, kickbacks and campaign contributions from mega corporations by keeping shit locked down past memorial day and screwing the mega corporations out of their tourist money.

  24. 157...uh...YEP YEP YEP

  25. How about "Open for business"? Parks and beaches don't generate revenue!

  26. No this isn't all planned... Even though every governor does the same thing at the same time across the country!!!! Closing and opening and phasing!!! All the same everywhere, sounds planned to me...

  27. NO Recovery Until UNEMPLOYMENT FIXED in Maryland !!!! Get on it !!!

  28. The 'ROAD MAP" is > to keep unemployment from as many as Possible !!!
    & send Your ass back to work & get You paying the Govt again !!! FACT

  29. Road map to Hazard county !!! Boss Hog !!!! Map to Daisy Dukes !!!

  30. Ocean City > a BIG Violation of Law & Safety this week-end !!! Wide Open

    Maryland better Reign in it's Unemployment , trying to get out of giving it to
    Anyone , as Ususal !!!

    It took over a MONTH & a HALF to get the First PUA checks out Saturday !!!
    And alot of people were shorted several weeks OWED to them ,filed for !!!

  31. They shorted me two weeks , & I will be fighting for it all week too !!!

    I have the Confirmation #'s to Prove it !!!!

  32. They could not read a map !!! Maryland Govt Dummies !!!!

  33. Maryland is on a Road to DISASTER !!! Unemployment Fiasco !!!

  34. Boss Hog has to call Rosco P. Coletrain to see where Daisy Dukes is in the
    General Lee !!!
    Those Dukes boys have to Fix the Unemployment Disaster in Merryland !!!
    Uncle Jesse is making a New Website for Merryland !!


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