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Sunday, May 03, 2020

Unemployment Update

This was my experience with the unemployment website yesterday.

Got this at 3:11 in the afternoon. At 1am it kicked me out of line (server maintenance time). Got "back in line" at 8am, still "in line".
188,000 people in line in front of me... wow.


  1. Anything government touches, it breaks.

  2. You are a millionaire retired at 40, why would you possibly need an unemployment check?

    1. That's what he wants people to believe.

    2. Are you both really that idiotic? Lol! People crack me up with their stupidity..

  3. 11:02, This is from a viewer, not me. I published an original image with their name on it but they resent me a better image that cropped out the name.

    1. Damn, I figured that out. You got some dense people on here.

  4. Websites don't have waiting lines unless they are designed to. This is a funnel to slow down the number of people signing up for unemployment. The servers could definitely handle a simple information gathering form, its a tactic.

  5. I went on in the morning yesterday. Entered my email and waited for notice to get back on in an hour or so. Got on and less than 10 minutes later, done. Money in bank this morning.

    1. Did you look for a job while you were waiting? That way you will be just as efficient when you get the go ahead to work. 😝😂🤔🤔

    2. Ok buddy. When they send you a debit card.

    3. You filed a web cert. The real problem is filing a claim.

    4. Why should I look for a job when I have a return-to-work date under 10 weeks?

      Received my debit card Saturday.

      Sundays and Mondays are only for Webcerts, not initial claims.

  6. The problem is in all 50 states.
    I don't think there will be any improvement until this mess is over.
    Welcome to the second great depression!
    The Democrats finally found a way to get Trump through the Chinese!

  7. Bob Aswell....RealistApril 28, 2020 at 11:47 AM

    There' some humor in this Joe. All your detractors have forgot one thing. This wake-up call has put them in touch with reality. Fortunately, at 40 you learned the value of a dollar and as a result you were able to accumulate many more. Now, some of these dumb-bells that live up to every cent of their pay checks, will realize public welfare (the $1200.00) isn't enough to survive.

    There's a bumper crop of ignorance in this Country and Covid will dry that up to a degree and change the Liberal agenda of something for nothing.

  8. Be nice 1102. It Joe wasn't providing a service you wouldn't be on here to opine. And stop it about who makes what...who cares since it does not impact YOU.

    Don't change the subject either by saying how much the unemployment industry is abused either. That was never your point...it was only to be negative.

    Thank you Joe and many of us look forward to seeing you again when C. Joe's opens again.

  9. Who cares who it is, with all of these taxes and continued new taxes and fees, even millionaires can go broke!!!! That is what I keep trying to tell you god damn morons... You think, OH I will just move, and then once you moved, that same area does exactly the same as the place you left... That means it will go and be everywhere unless you stand up and help fight it...

    Look what happened to Berlin, and FYI I said this for years it would happen and it did... They raised taxes and fees against your will just because they wanted to but they say to fill the rainy day fund... You know the fund that they use when the budget is short or a project goes over budget... Then you all threatened to move out if they did, and they did and you never moved out!!! Then on top of that, they raised sewer and water rates and fees... Then they came back and wanted a 30% increase in land tax or property tax, which they got!!! Then now on top of that, Worcester county added a county wide tax that affected resorts and hotels and motels and bars!!! Then now this year or the next year to come, they want to raise even more taxes, I think also more land tax!!! And I told you morons to fight, fight with everything you had, this one rainy day fund replenishment tax basically, I said if not, they will not stop!!! Guess what, you didn't listen per usual, they got their tax hikes, JUST LIKE I SAID THEY WOULD DO, and then they kept on going with it becasue you let them, I WAS RIGHT ABOUT THIS TOO... Now there will be even more taxes becasue of this 2.5 billion tax hike in the next 5 years becasue of tide pod eating retards, they think money will fix.... All of this is on top of what ever taxes or fees get raised in MD and what ever new fees and taxes get created ON TOP OF the taxes you will have to pay back for the govt lending you your own money!!!! That 1200 you will owe back at the end of the year!!!!

    But hey, its NY NJ residence fault for coming here when they own property here!!!! I just love how you retards go brain dead over the CV-19 like you do when cops, politicians and anyone really says the words "ITS FOR THE KIDS"!!!!

  10. The website is WORTHLESS don't even waist your time, it will Kick U Off !!!

    MD had Better fix this SHHHHT THIS WEEK !!!!

    Everyone Call your Congressman & Trump & Whoever it takes !!!!

  11. This is what the government wanted from jump street. Breadlines and dependency.

  12. Hee hee. Man your on a roll! But hey, at least you value freedom, and can see where it's headed.

  13. The LINE is the Problem to begin with > DO away with it , you had a better
    Chance to get on Before they started this LINE crap !!!!

    Increase Servers if it takes a Whole building full of them !!! Govt has the $$

    People Need their Damn $$$$ NOW & Govt Better get on it TODAY !!!

    Like being in Russia Or China where Govt ignores you !!!! In Maryland !!!

  14. 1143 you are a liar!! They do not direct deposit, you get a debit card or you can option for a weekly check. Now is not the time for your fake news especially when people are struggling so much.

    1. 12:43 here.
      The money ($1030) is in my Bank of America account today that is attached to the benefits debit card. I have it set for auto transfer to my regular checking account that should arrive there in the next day or so. Before you call someone a liar, know of what you speak.

    2. Typo should say 11:43 here

  15. The UPDATE is > Things are FAR Worse day by day in Maryland !!!!

  16. Maryland has a stan alone custom software program called MABS that couldnt handle the years worth of claims filed in 3 weeks. The contracted with a 3red party vendor to "fix the problems & add filing for self employed individuals". The software in the new program couldnt handle it eirher and in the rush to fix it, has made it worse. Forcing 2 incompatible programs together with no time to test it thoroughly before you go live is a recipe for disaster. Be nice to the folks who andwrt the phones if you speak to a human, it wasnt their decision to bolt on the additional program and its causing them problems too. We tax payers are getting what we deserve...everything on low bid contracts.

  17. I am the viewer Joe got the picture from. I filed my webcert Sunday night, but did not get paid today. I wanted to go online to see if it went through. Apparently it did, but I didn't get my direct deposit today.

    1. I did my webcert yesterday and got the notice today that the money was in my Bank of America debit card. I have it setup to automatically transfer to my checking account the next day or so.

      I hope you get notification the next day or so. I don't know why you wouldn't have gotten it if you got a confirmation number on Sunday. And of course you'll never get on the phone to talk to somebody.

  18. Hogan the Horrible strikes again

  19. Put more MEMORY in that MD Govt PC !!!! TOOOOOO SLOOOOOW !!!!

  20. Only 200,000 ahead of you !!! GO TO HELL MARYLAND GOVT ! !!!

  21. Bulk Hogan Boss Hog Dictator of Maryland !!!

  22. New Update May 2005 !!! Maryland Govt & their Fake Unemployment
    Still SUCK !!!

    Still in May 2020 > NOT FIXED !!!! I BEEN WAITING SINCE MARCH !!!

    00000 MONEY !!!


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