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Sunday, May 17, 2020

To All Of Our Valued Customers At Caribbean Joe's

We'd like to apologize to our loyal customers for the confusion yesterday.

We were pro active ahead of time and submitted for the approvals in which we were told were legal and compliant as we did not want to break or violate any laws.

It was our understanding that the bar/restaurant could not open but we could sell carry out and give our customers the option to take their food and beverages to go or we could provide picnic tables outside of the licensed area giving them an option to sit or leave. No different than buying food on the boardwalk and sitting down on a bench to eat it.

We were pretty proud of ourselves as we had hoped to set a positive example first and foremost, creating a safe environment while providing food and beverages in a healthy social distance way.

We provided picnic tables 12 to 15 feet apart so you could take in some fresh air and enjoy the sunshine and take out products if you so choose. We even had a local musician donate his time to play acoustic guitar for free, 15 to 20 feet away from any tables as he too was just excited to get out and finally play. Our staff was wearing gloves and masks and we provided hand sanitizer for our customers protection and convenience.

To our surprise it had come to our attention just moments before opening yesterday we received a phone call, (which we greatly appreciate) there was some confusion that we were being viewed at the a state level that we were about to violate Governor Hogan's Executive Order in which we never intended to do.

With all of the confusion we volunteered to pause until there was a clear direction of how we can all provide services in a healthy environment, practicing and following all of the recommendations by the governor.

We commend the Governor for his leadership and understand that it has to be an extremely difficult decision in his hands. Proceeding in any direction is going to have consequences good and bad either way.

We are all in a catch 22 situation. If we open up too soon and don't practice social distances we are increasing our risk of exposure and at the same time if we don't open up all of the businesses and employees are going to suffer and go broke.

I want to thank the Worcester County Liquor Board, Health Department and States Attorney's Office for being flexible working with businesses and community trying to find a balance accomplishing both legal safe policies while also attempting to open up our lives moving forward in the healthiest way possible.

We are encouraged and look forward to Governor Hogan's update on Phase 1 this Friday and hope it will include inside and outside seating for restaurants.

Stay Strong, Stay Safe and Stay Positive.


  1. Your effort is greatly appreciated. Some people have to blaze a trail, or lead while others follow. Your explanation is very carefully worded. We can read between the lines. This was political and we all know it.

  2. That is a very safe,sterile and compliant explanation. Maybe I am reading into it too much but I suspect it was a smart move as you may have been targeted.

  3. You were definitely targeted by lunatics. They want to see the destruction of our economy. No matter what happens to our great country those kind of people will always be losers in life.

  4. Everyone is starting to realize the lockdown is a sham. Open it all back up!

  5. As a business owner I commend your efforts Joe. We are not able to open our shop nor do I expect any help from the feds or state. We are too small (6 ppl.). I am deeply invested in our company and FEAR that we will not recover as 80% of our income comes in the spring and summer. I'm glad that I pay taxes so the govt. can give it away to others and not people like us who take the financial risks and 24/7 thoughts and worries on how to keep things going and growing. We don't interact with our customers in person as we can use zoom. I AM SO PISSED. Keep the faith Joe. I'll see ya when you reopen, last time I was at your restaurant you gave my wife more French fries than me. You owe me (LOL).

    1. Your closed can’t open but don’t interact with customers because your do it on zoom? Ahh? What?

    2. Must be old. Most gyms and educational programs are using zoom to connect with clients. I do personal training with over 100 clients per week. What he said makes perfect sense. It just went over your head.

  6. I call complete BS!

  7. Everyone is going to die eventually anyway. On a personal level - I have never seen a virus survive hot weather, and ultra violet sunlight after spring commences. And so I say to let her rip! Open up Carribean Joe's and allow the festivities to begin.

    1. Thank you for that. It’s always helpful to hear from experts like yourself on scientific topics like this. Where can we review the results of your research in greater detail?

    2. Life experiences 6:25, which apparently you have few. Stay inside at home as instructed by and unqualified governor and your life experiences will stay that way.

    3. I am with @6:25. I would love to see all the data 5:03 has. Those spreadsheets must look amazing. That is truly a brilliant mind at work.

  8. SO at least someone has tested the waters and now is most likely better informed than any of us as to the Do's and Don'ts of all of this the actualities and the BS. The Entrepreneurial spirit is like that.

  9. THAT is the whole shutdown. They simply tell you NO OPEN. You would think someone would think a little out of the box and tell you WHAT YOU HAD TO DO IN ORDER TO OPEN!!!


  10. You people don't get it Dems aka commie socialists hate small business they want everyone on socialist WELFARE.

  11. MY DOG NEEDS A HAIRCUT. He can't see or move his bowels because of the too thick hair.

  12. Thank you, Joe. You are always a gracious host.

  13. Now we know , from Hitler to my buddy , oh well ,I thought you had a set .

  14. Sounds like Hogan sent his goons over to make you an offer you couldn't refuse! Hope you don't have any horses, Joe.

  15. Just my opinion. If you did everything legally, why would you tuck tail and close? Don't know you personally but you don't seem to be the kind to be threatened.

  16. 4:36 we design and build furniture so yes we do talk with our customers, talking makes us NO money. Ever hear talk is cheap. Now I hope you get it.

  17. I never see a Mask on Hogans mouth

    only a Spoon stuck in his mouth with Mustard dribbling down his chin

    Fat Bas#ard

  18. Joe did you buy all the 80/20 beef from Sams. They had none today.

    1. They've been sold out. Don't worry though, open it up we'll all be fine. I had an anonymous on here guarantee it the other day.

  19. The popularity of your site may have contributed.I know you had to get the word out,but everyone clicks onto it at least once per day and myself 3 or 4 times per day.

  20. That was a very well worded response. Very careful to not ruffle any feathers here. I'm glad I don't have to suck up to the powers to be like this. I guess it's one of the advantages to not being a bid shot.

  21. Soon enough...soon enough.

  22. 640 as a fashion designer and model I feel your pain. Spring is a very busy time on the cat walk in NYC.

  23. Hogan is still a POS.

  24. 5:36 seriously....take a pair of scissors and trim the dog up! It’s going to get worse yet....

  25. I'm reading between the lines.
    Joe: I'm sensing you are not happy.
    Go ahead and speak your mind just as you always have.

  26. Where all you tax paying patriots. Land of the FREE

  27. Bring on the lawsuits after this mess settles down. These governors need to be held accountable.

    1. I'm Starved MSP.....take me to get some foodMay 18, 2020 at 2:04 AM

      omg 1049..

      .Hungry Hogan cannot afford to lose his Food Allotment money
      to pay for a lawyer

  28. We need to all get out and get some bacteria in our lives.All we're doing with social distancing and face masks is prolonging the inevitable.

  29. PEOPLE: 500,000 die EVERY year from influenza, get over it. Death is inevitable and to allow our corrupt government to unleash such a tragedy on the world is unacceptable. This is about nothing more than money and power and the continued Trump defamation.

  30. C'mon Joe, you have fought bigger battles than this. Have faith in you.

  31. Judging by the way this is written, it sounds like someone scared the crap out of Joe!

  32. When the govt targets you, no one, not even Joe, has pockets deep enough to fight back. It’s smart to pick your battles and lie low until the right opportunity arises.. .. and it will., depend on it.

  33. Some guy bought a restaurant in OC & got a really good interest rate on his mortgage.He was within days of his grand opening when everything shut down.Because he isn't a man of great means,putting it on hold until OC reopened was not a viable option.I hope it works out for him,but I REALLY hope it works out for you.

  34. Joe came down to OC last weekend and passed by your place. I have to say the place looks pretty damn good compared to what it once was. Praying you make it through all the Hogan (Maryland) lunacy. It's sad to think what is running Baltimore/Annapolis has finally gotten their foot in the door down here on the eastern shore


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