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Saturday, May 09, 2020

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING! — Testimony Reveals Deep State Spy Joseph Mifsud Is Member of the Clinton Foundation

Joseph Mifsud is connected to the Obama Spygate Scandal after presumably setting up George Papadopoulos and General Flynn in London.

We knew he was close to Hillary Clinton and even dined with her in 2016.

Now we know Mifsud was a member of the Clinton Foundation.

In March 23 we reported that the Mueller gang blamed George Papadopoulos for withholding information that ended up preventing the government from investigating Mifsud leading to their letting him go.

On page 193 of the Mueller report, the Mueller gang claimed that Popadopoulus’s false statements impeded the FBI’s investigation into Joseph Mifsud who was interviewed in a hotel lobby a month later on February 10, 2017. The Mueller gang next referred to the Papadopoulos case rather than an FBI 302 in their report. This happens for Mifsud even though for everybody else, there is an FBI 302 created with a description of what was said to the FBI. In fact, the Mueller report never references any FBI302 for Mifsud. And it gets even more interesting….



  1. Not a darn thing changes until these criminals are locked up.

  2. and as usual - NOTHING will happen - Clintons are the Teflon Dons

  3. Now we know why Hillary lost.All of this would have vanished had she been elected.

  4. Now we know why everyone of her supporters were crying. Obama didn't sleep well the night Hillary lost. 😂


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