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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

The Science or lack of science 15 min


  1. Really, I am suppose to take medical advise from a Chiropractor? I know many Chiropractors and although they may understand the Musculoskeletal system and proper alignment thereof, they do not know medicine. In fact, their knowledge of medicine is quite poor. I have seen some Chiropractors make outlandish claims when it comes to what they as healthcare providers can do. I mean some really scary sh$t.

  2. I had a D.C. that recently left the area. He was my lifeline and knowledge of medicine was top shelf. This man studied my previous ailments during off hours and refused compensation for his time. Thank you sir.

  3. This guy is just wrong.

    First, his attempt to smear the CDC in the beginning is fallacious. The CDC recognizes and advises on making Americans more healthy. These health problems come from lifestyle choices. The CDC can't force people what to do, but they can recommend policy.. like healthier school lunches, like higher taxes on food and drink items that are unhealthy for us... but people tend to react poorly to these sorts of things don't they?

    Secondly in the U.S., according to the CDC numbers for the ENTIRE 2018-2019 influenza season there were 35.5 million infections and 34,200 deaths for the flu. Covid in FOUR MONTHS there are 1.21 million infections with over 69 thousand deaths. Trying to compare these two viruses is WILDLY ABSURD. It too two seconds to fact check this.

    Don't take my word for it though, do the research yourself.

  4. 9:08 you want to know how truthful everyone is?????? I dare you to go to the WHITEHOUSE.GOV site or where you can track bills and you will see that the CARE or CARES ACT was signed into law a year before this outbreak or pandemic, now think about that!!!! You can track that bill from its inception to passing, and it was done well in advance, so what does that tell you???? THIS WAS ALL PLANNED!!!!

  5. This guy is just wrong?

    So genius you're not gonna die?

  6. Anon May 5, 2 PM.

    I think your tinfoil hat is a bit too tight. You really think that this pandemic was planned? Wow, there are some crazy, dumb, SOBs out there and you are one of them.

  7. Anon 8:56 AM

    I agree with you that there are good DCs however there are a lot of really bad ones as well. Unless you are skilled and educated in medicine yourself, how do you know your DC had top shelf medical knowledge? I have seen plenty of sheep follow the flock over the cliff.


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