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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

That picture of Ocean City doesn't show what the scolds say it shows

What’s more American than taking a walk on the boardwalk during Memorial Day weekend?

And what’s more fitting for these times than social media scolds yelling at the middle-class folks who do it?

One particular picture from Ocean City, Maryland, this weekend seems to show a totally packed boardwalk. This has led to all sorts of scolding. Here’s a Reuters congressional reporter cursing the walkers for lacking the self-control to stay inside and on Twitter, like responsible folks should do.

Here’s a co-host from The View saying this scene will kill people.

This is absurd. Maybe Ocean City is also full of folks crowding into karaoke joints for the night, or all playing spin the bottle, and so, we will get a breakout. But a scene of hundreds of folks on a massive boardwalk isn’t a reason to predict massive death.

For one thing, all the science suggests that passing exposure to people, particularly outdoors, does not carry a high risk of exposure.

Second, this camera is playing a trick on you.



  1. What disturbs me the most is how many closet NAZIs live in this country. Democrats seem to lead that race, Authoritarianism gets them excited

  2. It's another MSM lie, that photo.

  3. I already knew the picture was actually 7 blocks long so what I go out of this article is There is a God! Sunny hosin one of the filth from the view moved out of MD at some point in time! Thank You Jesus! Her and her husband and what that trash spawned left.
    gone! MD has enough garbage inhabiting it without those 3 putrid rank stains on societ living here.

  4. Bob Aswell....RealistMay 26, 2020 at 5:40 PM

    Why not tell these crackpots to go on back across the bridge and stay there. It's our show over here. That's the trouble with living here, too many empty heads from other venues trying to run the show on the weekend. Like it as is or go the Hell home, you'll not be missed. We've got to contend with a Governor who like the monster on Frankenstein has a rotten brain. The replacement of same didn't work and made a dark day for the home team. That's enough load for anyone to bear.

    If you vote for this again when it's time, then you positively voted twice for O'dumba and Biden. Make your vote count and don't go to the polls with a 'what are they going to give me' attitude. That's what has this mess to the forefront of our way of life today. Coupled with a gaggle of incompetent politicians the Governor and the Eastern Shore Delegation (Ha) have really shown the electorate their asses and the bedlam their policy has generated will result in more Dumbocrats in Annapolis next term.


  5. It's an outrage that OC is forcing people to cross the bridge and come to the ocean. /sarc


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