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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ted Cruz Goes Off After GQ Magazine Claims Renowned Segregationist Was A Republican

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted GQ Magazine on Thursday afternoon after it published a correction to an article, titled “The Anti-Abortion Movement Was Always Built On Lies,” that wrongly referred to George Wallace, the notorious segregationist and former governor of Alabama, as a Republican.

The correction, which was spotted by Mark Hemingway of Real Clear Investigations, attracted the attention of Cruz, who said the magazine’s correction revealed “the lie at the heart of a pile of lies.”

“The ‘correction’ that reveals the lie at the heart of a pile of lies. Yes, racist George Wallace was a Democrat. KKK founder Nathan Bedford Forrest was a Democrat. The authors of Jim Crow were Democrats. And Democrats today seem not at all concerned about the millions of black children aborted,” said the Texas senator.



  1. Well hell, I’m going to change over to be a damn crat now. Still vote for Trump/Pence 2020 though and anyone else on the republican ticket.

  2. The democrat party is still the party of rampant systemic racism. What's shocking is there voters are such ignoramuses they can't figure this fact out. Perfect example is the filthy war zones minorities live in in the inner cities every single one under democrat control. Little black children forced to play in rat $hit and pi$$ while wallowing in used condoms, needles and garbage. Hearing gun fire day in and day out sometimes having to dodge bullets and sometimes getting their little innocent brains blown out. If it were a white child who got shot all hell would break lose and the powers that be would be screaming from the steps of the cities' halls about the tragedy. But when it's a black child nothing because black children mean nothing to a democrat. Same with the dismal performing schools. They are only minority schools. Mostly white schools would not ever be allowed to perform so badly. This again because black children to a democrat are not worth bothering over. Just so they grow up to vote democrat is all that matters But the bottom line-you reap what you sow and when you vote stupidly then you deserve the consequences.

  3. That wasn't a mistake, it was a lie, put forth by a bought journalist. Some will say it's just laziness. If so, this mug should never write anything for more than 10¢ a word.


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