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Saturday, May 02, 2020

South Korea: No Coronavirus Cases Linked to In-Person National Election

South Korea successfully held in-person elections this month without finding evidence for a single coronavirus transmission at an election station, South Korea’s Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) announced this week, the Epoch Times reported on Thursday.

“Twenty-nine million voters participated in the April 15 parliamentary election. … Not one [coronavirus] case related to the election has been reported during the 14 days of incubation period,” Yoon Tae-ho, MOHW’s director-general for public health policy, said at a press briefing.

Yoon thanked staff and voters who followed safety measures during elections, which included requiring voters to wear masks and gloves when casting ballots, maintaining at least a three-foot distance from one another, and regular disinfection of polling stations, according to the Epoch Times.


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