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Saturday, May 02, 2020

Scalise says 'dirty cops' in FBI should go to jail

In light of bombshell FBI documents that reveal an alleged scheme to set up then-national security adviser Michael Flynn, Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., told “Fox & Friends” on Friday that the FBI was getting ready to close the Flynn case, but "anti-Trumper" agent Peter Strzok pushed it to continue.

"[Strzok] had motivations against Donald Trump, not as a cop trying to find out facts,” the House minority whip argued.

“Strzok and [FBI attorney Lisa Page] were both dirty cops in the beginning … it looks like they were literally trying to set a trap for him.”

“They had a motivation against Trump and against Flynn even though the evidence didn’t show that they should move forward. He’s the one who pushed to do it anyway because he had anti-Trump motivations. That’s not the kind of person you want with a badge. That’s what the definition of 'dirty cop' is all about," Scalise said.

“People ought to go to jail and he would be at the top of the list."




  1. If Comey and his henchmen don’t go to prison it only proves the laws are for us peasants only

  2. Ok, let's see what our justice system is capable of doing. Oh yeah we already know. Two sets of rules.

  3. He and his lover should go to jail. To this day it seems like a contest "Who can bring Trump down - destroy Trump" first. Then that person shall reign. Commie - No. Mueller - No - Hillary - No. Now Pelosi; Schumer; and I forgot the biggest offender - Obama😂😂😂

  4. Blahs blahs blahs blahs blahs blahs blahs. Him and the rest of been talking this crap for over two years now. NOTHING GAS HAPPENED. WHY?? SCALISE WON'T DO ANYTHING. FACT.

  5. I hope Trump gives Flyn a really good job in the Whitehouse.

  6. Democrat -Deeep-state Protects them all !!!

  7. Execution would be my choice for treason. We need to set an example that government nitwits who misbehave at this level will not be tolerated. Just like the covid-19 violators of the dictator orders from liberal fat-ass larry hogan. A wannabe kim jong un from NK with a SK wife ready to takeover his spot. Do you see a possible connection folks????


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