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Monday, May 18, 2020

Scalise: House Proxy Voting Rules ‘Unconstitutional,’ They ‘Will Be Challenged’

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) stated that the House of Representatives’ new proxy voting rules are “unconstitutional,” and that any significant pieces of legislation that are passed under the rules “will be challenged.” He also criticized Democrats who voted for the rules by stating that they’ve surrendered their voting cards to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Scalise said that Democrats who voted for the proxy voting measure “just voted to give [their] voting card in Congress to Nancy Pelosi. … It’s unconstitutional, first of all. Because a quorum under this — just — this resolution they just passed, 20 people on the floor, 20 Democrats can constitute a quorum of the House of Representatives, 435 people. That goes against Article I of the Constitution.”



  1. Such a mess. Everyone suing everyone.


  2. Congress and Businesses conduct all their meetings under the guidelines of ROBERTS RULE OF ORDER which is being violated.

    Call it DICTATORSHIP, COMMUNISM, SOCIALISM or DEMOCRATS destroying our Constitution.

  3. "Congress and Businesses conduct all their meetings under the guidelines of ROBERTS RULE OF ORDER..."

    That is SO NOT TRUE. Where did you get that idea from? Never mind, you probably attended public schools, didn't you?

  4. They(liberals) are doing whatever they want. They don't care what anybody thinks about it. It is way past time for some change ....smh...mho

  5. This is truly a constitutional crisis. The politicians on both sides have forgotten who they work for and what parameters they are supposed to work within. They are not our leaders they are our representatives. They (the politicians) create rules and programs that only apply to them when it is convenient or to their benefit. They exclude themselves from rules their "subjects" must follow. The thought that congress would decide to stay home to protect themselves from the virus but, expecting the "essential subjects" to continue to pick-up their trash and deliver their ice cream is nothing short of amazing. If this is not enough to wake us up and demand term limits what is it going to take.

  6. Pelosi Rules will be Thrown OUT !!!

  7. Democrats Like to use Illegals & Tombstones for Votes / anything to
    WIN !!! They need Loop-holes !!!

  8. Didn't they vote themselves an extra $50,000 apiece just so they could make arrangements to stay working? AT WORK???

  9. I wish I had paid more attention in school about the Constitution and how the House and the Senate operate. Always thought the house made the laws and the Senate approved such laws.
    The media always makes it sound like whatever the House votes on is actually law. Example, House approves 3T Bill. It appears that the Senate must approve and that the President can veto - if require etc. The same for voting by on line (video etc). Media makes it sound like that's the law now. I hope to God that is not true until get a handle on who can vote.


  10. The Constitution is readily available, and it is pretty straightforward language.

    The proxy vote is outside the rules; it enables a false quorum, and then fictitious votes.

    Real world example would be having one worker punch in 20 absent workers as at work. We all know how that would play out. Fire San Fran Nan and her zombies.

  11. SCALISE like McConnell and Graham do nothing but lip service. Over the last three years I've seen these 3 rinos yell, scream and bitch. Yet nothing is DONE. I wish their States would vote them out. But they must be selfish like Delaware is voting for Biden 36 years. Loosing GM, CHRYSLER, DUPONT, AND MBNA too name a few. Not to mention Carper closing Post Offices around the country.


  12. 8:38, Recall Mr. Scalise nearly lost his life during an assassination attempt by a Bernie bot. And since the last election he's been the Minority Leader; crazy Nancy has been directing the House agenda. Tough spot to be in. And Sen. McConnell has been getting judges approved at a rapid clip; that's big and endures.


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