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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Rush: Democrats Will Try to Keep Economy Shut Down to Ensure Trump Loses

Tuesday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh said Democrat Party lawmakers will attempt to squash plans to reopen the economy while the Chinese coronavirus pandemic subsides as part of an effort to sabotage President Donald Trump’s prospects of winning re-election in November.

A partial transcript is as follows:

RUSH LIMBAUGH: I’ll tell you something else that’s starting to send red flags up. You probably have already noticed this. All these blue state governors that want to keep their states locked down, it’s purely political. But what are they depending on? They’re depending on the red states — the red states that are opening up! The red states are gonna get the economy kickstarted. The red states are gonna create capital and money to transfer to pay these people their stupid welfare costs (and whatever else they’re using to bleed this country dry), while their population sits home, doesn’t work, waits for the federal check to show up — and they sit around and they trash the supposedly reckless red states. I cannot tell you how this irritates me. The red-state governors — like Kemp in Georgia and any number of these people — are doing the right thing. They’re trying to get their people back to work, for all the right common-sensical human and humane reasons — to protect lives — to protect livelihoods, the United States economy, the state economy. And then you go to a blue state, and it’s the exact opposite.

They shut down and lock down, and they want to remain locked down until July or August or whatever — and nothing’s gonna open and nothing is gonna happen. And they fully expect the red states to sit there and essentially pay for it. Folks, I’m gonna tell you, these next four months are gonna be a veritable war like we have not seen. The American left and the Democrat Party is going to do its best to keep this economy shut down, to extend and expand that shutdown — and blow up their own country’s jobs — just to ensure that Trump loses.


  1. Yep this is y we need a CIVIL WAR bc if Dems aka Commie socialists take the WH Back America is GONE.

  2. Pop quiz: how many Dem lead states have satisfied the phase 1 reopening criteria created by the Donald Trump White House?

  3. Um. What is none, Alex?

    (Not so much that it's difficult to satisfy.)

  4. Yes sir ,...all a conspiracy hoax

  5. Been the plan since democrats colluded with china!! Wake up..they will try to steal lie or cheat to win this coming election. TRUMP 2020

  6. Americans are strong. We prefer to work than accept handouts from the Government. It is the immigrants in this country that want everything free. Probably are to blame for a lot of dieases in this country.

  7. 7-11 last night man in there was jumping up and down complaining he had to go back to work.. pissed because his weekly check has been 1050 now he has to go back to work for less

  8. Exactly 1256. ZERO.

    Now for commenters between 113 and 205 (plus any other upcoming), please explain to us how is it that its some political conspiracy for Dem-led states to remain shutdown when they haven't even passed the criteria for reopening that Trump created?????? And don't you realize a Dem govenor would the the 1st casualty of voters being pissed due to lost jobs?

    Something tells me many of you have a logic train that has totally fallen off the tracks.

  9. Don't forget the Democrats greatest tactic. New BILLS will be introduced in very short time to get passed and Pelosi, Schumer, Hoyer will blame the Republicans for holding up monies.

    Remember Pelosi's great words on the OBAMACARE. You have to pass the BILL to read it. Then the Republicans and their weak backbone would not fight her and we got a worthless expensive medical services and bills.

  10. I miss my civil liberties. Business's closed, wearing masks, and liberals in this state are ok with it. I feel so lost.

  11. As it was in the days of Lot it will be in the coming of the son of man.


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