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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Rioters Destroy Bar That Black Minneapolis Firefighter Bought with His Life Savings

Rioters protesting the death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd, an African-American man who died after being arrested and pinned to the ground by officer Derek Chauvin, destroyed a bar owned by a black former firefighter Wednesday night.

Korboi Balla had invested his life savings in the bar and was planning to open it before the coronavirus pandemic caused mass business closures. Balla then moved the opening date to June 1, when Minnesota plans to lift restrictions on restaurants, but the bar has since been wracked and looted in the riots, CBS first reported.

CBS was filming a segment at the bar when looters entered through the back of the establishment to try to steal Balla’s safe.

“I don’t know what we’re going to do,” Balla said in an interview. “It hurts, man. It’s not fair, it’s not right. We’ve been working so hard for this place. It’s not just for me, it’s for my family.”

Balla’s wife Tywanna said that the bar was not insured.

“Yes people are mad and upset, I get that and I understand the protest, I’m hearing people say F*** the business they have insurance WELL WE DON’T AND THIS IS ALL OUT OF POCKET!!!” Tywanna wrote in a Facebook post. “Let someone come run in your home and loot for the cause then and let’s see you be ok with it!”



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  2. Thugs lives matter LOLOLOL

    1. You are certainly entitled to have your own opinion, no matter how racist it may be, however I just want to assure my black fellow Americans that most white people do not believe you are thugs.

    2. And you may state you opinion but don’t speak for this white boy. The way I see it, if it’s a thug it’s a thug. If it isn’t a thug it’s not a thug. If the percentage is higher on the thug side so be it. What is “RACIST” about that? My opinion is that, that stupid term is used and played way to often. There was a dude that lost his life maybe by a cop. Hasn’t been said in a court of law. I don’t look at colors in the incident or I would have gone to DE a few weeks ago as a thug when a black shot and killed two whites visiting their son at his grave. No, I refrained myself by not going to shoot and loot. Just my humble opinion, 4:02

  3. He will be ok. His gofundme will hit a million this weekend.

    1. This week, it just happened thursday night 3:15, there is no go fund me page yet so go pack sand

  4. There is a common thread among the mayors of the cities that failed to control the mobs of thugs and looters. Four of the mayors of major cities claimed those who were causing the trouble by setting fires, looting and destroying property were "all outside agitators".
    These spineless mayors are playing the victim card by claiming the situation was out of control because the 'agitators' were well planned and well organized.

    Apparently they believe those who vote for them are so stupid as to be believe their lame excuse for failing to take control the situation.

  5. Am I the only person who thought Minneapolis had a very small black population?Until now of course.

    1. Many of these so called rioters are shipped in... they have no stake in the community they happen to be terrorizing, and don't care whose property and lives they are destroying... George Soros has a habit of paying for agitators...the perks are the looting for them.

    2. OBAMA brought thousands over from around the world. Just black. Vermont. Connecticut. Wisconsin. Michigan. Maine. Just look up the demographic of all these States. Before OBAMA. Then after OBAMA.

  6. The Agitators are intelligence
    Yes, it is a drill run from Langley

    The conspiracy is very simple to understand
    Wake up

  7. The rioters destroy 99% of minority businesses and affect the same amount of workers.

  8. No insurance? Yikes!

  9. The media seems disappointed that more whites weren’t targeted, the one guy that defended his store the police arrested

  10. 4:02

    Speak for yourself!

    I watch these thugs looting the Target store. THEY ARE THUGS!

  11. Thugs don't care about Blacks either or any other !!!!

  12. I don't know how many times before people learn their lesson. You can NOT open a business in an inner city Those people excel at crapping on their own tables so it's not IF it's WHEN they will destroy your business and your dreams. The democrats officials who are in charge will only sit back and allow it to happen I would like to feel sorry but history is backs up everything I say. They can't have anything nice because they WILL crap it up and again history is proof and if anyone denies this they are just getting to that lying one of the other FEW things they excel at.

  13. Anon 4:57 Did you look before you typed? His bar is #3 on the GoFundMe main page and it’s at $825k.


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